One Shot: Secret Lady - Clint

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Requested by @WhitneyBrock9

One Shot 21

Tony always wondered about where his teammates went when they weren't working with the team.

He knew Bruce had a little apartment and was seeing a nice girl from one of the biochem labs.

Thor lived with Jane, that's a given.

Steve lived somewhere in the city, no roommate.

He didn't even want to know about Natasha.

But Clint is a mystery. He come to work every day, on time, clean and ready. Tony had no idea where he lived. If he lived with anyone. Nothing. Nada.

So Tony decided that he was gonna find out.

Clint shut his locker in the gym, shouldered his duffle bag and walked out
"Cya guys,"

"Later," Tony said zipping up his own duffle bag.
Slyly, Tony followed Clint outside and into a cab.

A quick 15 minute car drive, tailing Clint at a safe distance. Clint got out of his taxi in front of a very nice apartment complex.

"Shit," whispered Tony "Nice digs,"

He paid the cabbie, and walked into the lobby just in time to see Clint get. It went up, 1...2...3. 3 floors.

Tony sprinted up the stairs, and opened the door just in time to see Clint go through a door.
Apartment 42.

Tony ginned wickedly, before turning around and heading out of the building.

The next day, during lunch, when all the other Avengers went out to lunch, Tony told them he would catch up.

Instead, he went back to apartment 42 to snoop. Easily he jimmied the lock, and stepped inside.

He surprised to find it was beautifully decorated. Open floor plan, with a breakfast bar, and large tv. The coffee table had a vase full of flowers.

On the mantle piece there were pictures of Clint and a woman.

Suddenly the front door burst open, Clint was poised holding a gun with Natasha behind him.

"Tony? What the fuck are you doing my house?" He shouted.

Natasha stormed past Clint into the house, and called out "(y/n)! It's Natasha, come on out. Everything is okay,"

"Dude, your wife is hot!" Tony said. Clint put the gun back up, pointing it at Tony's head.

The woman from the photograph, came out from another room holding a gun herself.

She stood in front of Clint, and put her gun in her back pocket. She put her hands up, and held them out to Clint.

"Put the gun down honey. This was bound to happen eventually," she said calmly.

Clint tossed back his head in frustration, but sheathed the gun as requested. "Baby that's not the point!" He complained. Clint looked up to glare daggers at Tony.

"You broke into my fucking house." Clint snarled.

"Yes, but in my defense-" Tony started.

Natasha flopped down on the couch, "oh this will be good. Let's here it. What valid excuse do you have that would make Clint not want to dismember you right now?"

The room was silent for a moment.

"I had to know! You never tell us anything!" Tony exclaimed.

Clint rolled his eyes, and pointed at the door.

"Just. Get. Out." He said coldly.

Tony walked out of the apartment dejectedly. Natasha got up to leave too, but (y/n) called her back.

"Nat, come over for dinner after training today," she said "I'm making your favorite,"

Natasha smiled, and nodded "I will definitely be here," she replied.

Tony poked his head back through the open doorway. "Why does Natasha get to know about your hot wife?" He complained.

"For the love of God, Tony! Get out or I will put a bullet in your head," Clint shouted. Tony scrambled out of the doorway, and down the hall.

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