Favorite Memory

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His or her favorite memory of you...

Preference 40

Steve: He requested some time off, to take you on a vacation with him. His favorite memory of you is from that trip. You're in you're pajamas, sitting on the bed looking out the French doors facing the sea and brushing your hair. You remind him of a beautiful mermaid, calm and peaceful.

Tony: His favorite memory of you was the day your former employer tried to embarrass you at one of the Stark Philanthropy events you coordinated. You kept your cool, and shut down your former employer with your quick wit and professional sass.

Bruce: His favorite memory of you isn't one that most people would automatically guess. It's much more mundane that what most people would guess. His favorite memory of you was from a day where you walked into his lab and told him that he was going to take a break and come out for a drive with you. And that's exactly what happened. You drove out an hour in gentle silence, then turned around and came back. He knew you weren't having a good day, but he never knew why. Just that the drive had made you, and him, feel much better.

Clint: There was a night he arrived at the house, and found you sitting on the balcony. Playing an old song on your phone. You sang over the music, allowing all the passion and emotion you felt to come forth. Completely unaware of Clint watching and listening.
Your voice combined with the setting sun, and the gentle breeze was the setting for his favorite memory of you.

Thor: His favorite memory of you was the first time he took you to Asgard. His mother took you for a while to get you properly dressed. His favorite memory of you is seeing you step into the throne room in a gorgeous traditional Asgardian gown, fit for a queen.

Loki: His favorite memory with you was when he took you to see two of your favorite entertainers live show. You just couldn't stop smiling and laughing. You told him afterward that couldn't remember a time when you were more happy.
And you meant it.

Bucky: His favorite memory of you is actually his first memory of you. You didn't stare at the arm, or pity him. Or pretend not to pity him. You sort of fell into his life with wild ambition and big dreams. You treated him like everyone else.

Natasha: Her favorite memory of you, you didn't even realize she had seen. The two of your were out and about that day in NYC. She had gone off into a store to buy a gift for Clint's birthday, you went across the street to the park. In the park, you were watching all the little kids play on the jungle gym. Natasha had just come out to the store and watched one of the little girls come up to you. The little girl wanted to know how to be pretty and tall like you. You laughed and got off the park bench, sitting down again on the ground. You told her you get tall with age. And you get pretty by believing that you're pretty.

Pietro: His favorite memory of you is when all of the Avengers went on a ski vacation for New Years. You, Wanda, Tony and Clint had a snowball fight in the front yard of the giant cabin Tony rented. You won the snow ball fight and dropped a giant snow ball on Tony's head. Pietro watched the whole thing from the window while Clint filmed it.

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