One Shot: What it is to be young-Tony

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Hello my darlings, this is a request for @Ruby_Victoriano

One Shot 13

The year is 1985, the era of neon lights and big hair is in full swing and I have no shame in being right smack dab in the middle of it.
My dad thinks my fashion and taste in music is, how did he put it? "Flamboyant" I don't know if that means he hates it or what, but it doesn't matter it makes me happy.
One thing though, he doesn't like my boyfriend. Even though he makes me happy. His names Tony, and he's brilliant.
My dad doesn't like him, he's not so much into the bright colors and coming to exercise class with me. He liked all the new rock and roll music coming out. And I'll admit, it's pretty awesome. And we've snuck out to few concerts before.
Tonight I'm waiting for Tony to call me. I just got a phone in my room. With my own number, how awesome is that?
Suddenly the phone rings, my heart leaps in my chest and I want to dive to answer it so bad. But I force myself to wait for it to ring twice more before I pick it up and answer in a leisurely voice,
"Hey Jadea, I have two tickets to see Black Sabbath tonight. Do you think you can sneak out again?"
I thought for a moment,
"Well my mom is home, but she won't notice if I leave I don't think,"
"Oaky, well it's not your mom I'm worried about..."
"I'll leave a note," I tried
"Saying what? You can't lie and you know it," he teased
"Don't worry your pretty little head. I'll take care of it," I assured him. He chuckled on the other end.
"I'll be there in 10,"
"Okay, bye," I hung up the phone.
I put on a pair of jeans and regular t shirt. My flouncy green dress I had been wearing is not rock concert material.
I left a note on my kitchen counter,

Out with Tony this evening. Be back before curfew I promise.
Love you

I added a heart as an afterthought. Hopefully my dad would just take this at face value and let it go.
Tony picked me up right on time, and the concert was awesome. It's still not my favorite thing but it's still a blast going with Tony.
Tony parked his truck a block away from my house, so he could give me a proper kiss good night before driving me to my actual house.
When he pulled up my dad was waiting on the front porch. I quickly checked my watch, it was a whole half hour before my curfew. I turned to Tony to say something but he was 10 steps ahead of me.
He has jumped out of the truck, and come around to open my door. But not before waving to my father and calling out, "Hi Mr. Rogers. Nice night isn't it?"
"What are you doing?" I whispered harshly to him when he opened my door.
"Making nice with your pops, act natural," he replied helping me out and shutting the door. He walked me up to the front porch.
My father glared at Tony, but somehow Tony kept his composure. Sticking out his hand to shake,
"Mr. Rogers," he prompted. My dad didn't want to appear uncivil, so he accepted the handshake.
Before anyone could say anything, I jumped in.
"Thank you for taking me out tonight Tony, I had a great time,"
He smiled at me, with a glint in his eye.
"Anytime Jadae, and I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" He winked subtly
"Course," I nodded. This was getting too tense for me.
"Well I have to be getting home, I have a curfew to keep too. Good to see you again Mr. Rogers," he said quickly before turning and going back to the truck.
My father ushered me inside.
"Jadea. I don't like him," he announced the second the door was closed.
"Why?" I asked him simply.
"Because he's one of those rock and roll junkies. That smoke in public and ruin beautiful girls like you," he said in a defeated voice.
"Well we have been going out for months, and he hasn't ruined me. He makes me happy dad. Isn't that enough for you?"
"Of course pumpkin. It's just... Ugh you know what you're right. I don't like him. But if he makes you happy..."

My dad never did fully enjoy Tony's company. And I don't blame him. It takes a special person love Tony the way I do, and there's no way I could ask that of my dad.

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