Their clothes you wear

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Preference 11

Steve: A big guy like him wears big clothes, and even then they fit him tight. (God bless his pectorals, and the costume designers for his movies). He actually wears a lot of button down plaid shirts, these shirts are great for running errands in. Or just lounging around the house. He thinks it's cutest thing to see you wearing his clothes casually like it's not a big deal. But to him it's important. You're his girl, you wear his flannels, it's wonderful. 

Bruce: When he works in the lab he always wears button down shirts, which you think is stupid. At home he wears t shirts and sweaters like a normal person, you like to steal those sweaters. They're light colored and comfy. You tell him that they feel like a million bunnies hugging you. He always laughs and let's you wear them.

Tony: He loves it when you steal his shirts, especially his band shirts. You're about the same size as Tony, except for one main difference, "the girls". They make his band shirts you like to steal fit a lot tighter on you than him. Not that he minds, *wink wink.

Clint: He owns too many pairs of sweatpants in your opinion. Sure he's got jeans and slacks and wears them, but you have no idea how he acquired so many pairs of sweats. So you steal them and wear them too. It's cheaper than buying your own sweats... Those things are like $30 for good ones. Screw that, steal Clint's. 

Thor: When he's not dressed in full battle armor, cape and everything he wears normal civilian clothes. One thing in particular you like to borrow from him is this blue shirt. It's a normal blue shirt that's very fitted on him, but long and loose on you. You like to wear it around the house with paint splattered jeans and messy hair. He likes to say that it's "our shirt", as in it's as much his as it is yours.

Loki: Loki wears a lot of black. You wear a lot of color. But you do like to steal his coat. It's a long black coat with a deep green interior lining. It keeps you nice and warm when you wear it out. It smells of him, and home. You like to believe it keeps you safe.

Bucky: He's got a black sweater that is far too big for you, but on rainy days at home... You wear it and a pair of little shorts and slink around the apartment in socks. He always laughs at you and sakes his head, but he also never fails to tell you that you look beautiful in his giant sweater.

Natasha: All clothing is shared. Is that even a question? But in particular, you two purposefully have a habit of picking out a beanie that doesn't match their clothes BUT matches the others outfit. Then switching in front of people. It's a thing.

Pietro: He's got a sweater, a dark blue one with white arrows on the sleeves. You have claimed it as your house sweater. Your apartment's heating and cooling system goes out all the time. So when the heating dies in the middle of winter. That's the first thing that goes on... Followed by 7 blankets.

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