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Preference 16

Steve: Steve is such a romantic. He wanted to date for at least a few years before marrige. A traditional wedding. A perfect honeymoon. And he wanted to have the stereotypical two kids, one boy and one girl. And that's exactly what he got. The boy came first, his name was Henry James. The girl came a few years later, her name was Sarah Natalia.

Bruce: He wanted children. A small combination of you and him. But he was afraid. Afraid that if his DNA created life it would inherit his.... Green side.
The day you told him you were pregnant was one of the best and worst days on his life. He was so happy that the two of you were going to be parents together. But so utterly terrified that the child was doomed from conception. But the child was born, a baby girl. Alice Marie Banner

Tony: After settling down and getting married, Tony immediately wanted children. And lots of them. In the end you landed up with 6 kids. AnthonyEdward Stark Jr., EmilyGrace Stark, AnnaKate Stark, JonathanJames Stark, BelleRose Stark, PeterEvan Stark, SebastianMichael Stark.

Clint: He always knew that he wanted kids. A couple little munchkins to raise and love. You wanted kids too, but probably not as much as him. You landed up having 3 kids. Parker, Lily and Travis.

Thor: It sounds sad to say that it was necessary that you and Thor have children. Thor would one day be King, and needed an heir for when he passed. Luckily you loved your husband and having kids was already on your agenda. You had a daughter, Tamsin.

Loki: To be honest you and Loki weren't ready for kids when you found out you were pregnant. You were already married, but living in a small, beat up apartment. Money was more than tight. You worked three jobs, a cleaning lady in a businessman's penthouse from 6 am til 5 pm. A waitress from 7 til 10. And a night nanny from 10:30 til 4.... Loki was working his ass off trying to find work in the city, but it's hard to find jobs that meet his skill set... But everything turned out okay. Before the baby was born all of your hard work paid off and you were able to buy a new apartment. Loki had to move everything in to the new house by himself but he said it was the least he could do. The baby was born only days after moving in to the new house. Her name, Tabitha Laufeyson.

Bucky: After getting married, you gave Bucky the idea of moving away from the big city. Somewhere nice and quiet, that wouldn't be so stressful. The selling point for him was the phrase, a safe place to raise our children. Soon after the move you were pregnant. 9 months later, James Buchanan Barnes Jr. was born. You called him Baby Bucky!

Natasha: It was a little sad that the two of you couldn't have your own baby and know the joy of having a child that's half of both of you... But Natasha told you that adopting is like being a super hero. You save that child's life, and give them a home. Make them happy. And that's exactly what you did. You and Natasha adopted a little girl from Italy. You let Nat pick her name. She called her Evelyn.

Pietro: More than anything he wanted a family. A big family! So when you were married, you immediately moved into a giant house. By the time you'd finished having kids you had 5 children. Gabriel, Elsie, Jasmine, Avery, and Landen.

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