CIVIL WAR One Shot: Long Gone- Bucky

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Before we get started, thanks for being so chill this past weekend. I had a great trip, and I will be posting again soon. I'm gonna ask that no more requests be sent in for Bucky, and no request for others unless you have a fairly specific ideas. Basically just no, readerxcharacter with no other details! Haha, but other than that we're all good!

Not Requested

One Shot 32

In Bucharest, Romania you met him. A man with a prosthetic arm, and long dark hair. He was lost and afraid. But then again, so were you.

After losing your entire family in a car accident, you didn't really know what to do with your life. You decided to go on a vacation around Europe to clear your head after the funeral. Spend some time living life and enjoying what the world has to offer.

Things got worse after you were mugged and beaten to a pulp in Austria. Since then you couldn't go back to America. No money, no Visa, no papers nor passport. Not even any valid form of ID. And with no family back to vouch for you, no way for an American Embassy to properly ID you.

So you drifted. Catching a train here, learning a few words there. Eating what you could, when you could. Making money when possible. All of that changed when you reached Bucharest.

You sat at a cafe, wearing your dirty clothes, and wishing you couldn't feel the judgmental eyes on you. You paid for your coffee and left quickly, suddenly getting emotional over the state of your life and how you were powerless to fix it.

As you ducked into a side street alleyway, you bumped into a broad chest.

"I'm sorry," you sobbed, not even knowing how to apologize in Romanian.

"S'fine," the man replied. You wheeled around to face him.

"You speak English?" You asked frantically.

"Yes," he replied "I was-am an American," he said.

"Oh thank god," you said

"What happened to you?" He asked gently, taking a step closer.

You sank down to the floor of the alley and leaned against the wall. He followed suit, and you proceeded to tell him everything that had happened to you in the past 3 months.

He listened intently, and nodded sympathetically at parts and when you finished he said, "I know how it feels to be lost and alone,"

"What's you tragic backstory?" You asked sarcastically.

"Doll you wouldn't believe me if I told you,"

"Try me, I'm desperate for human interaction right now," you urged now a little more curious.

"Tell you what, come to my apartment for a little bit. Sleep on a mattress, and eat some food," he offered. "Then I'll tell you how I landed up in Romania,"

"I don't have any money dude. Can't pay for food. And I don't want to invade your place," you put up your hands in a show of defeat.

"You wouldn't be invading, you've been invited. Come one, you look like you could use a hot meal," he tried again.

As if on queue, your stomach growled angrily. He was right it had been weeks since you had eaten anything hot.

Finally you accepted his offer, he stood up and offered you a hand. You took it, but he didn't drop it until you had reached the door to the apartment.

The apartments were shabby and run down. But they had rooms with actual locks and keys. And that's safer than sleeping in the street.

His apartment was very small. One room, with a mattress on the floor and sleeping bag on top. A tiny kitchenette, and a small bathroom.

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