CIVIL WAR One Shot: Out of Time - Bucky

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Request for Reepicheep16

Quick AN: I am closing requests until I am a little more caught up. Well actually no, let me rephrase that. I'm closing requests for Bucky. I have a zillion Bucky requests, and as much as I love him, I want this to be an Avengers book. So I want to see some Thor, and Natasha and Bruce requests! Let's show them some love too okay?!

One Shot 30

Steve had asked you to help take care of his friend after the big fight in Siberia, of course you said yes. But you didn't realize that he meant the Winter Soldier.

Steve told you to meet him at the JFK airport and he would take you to his friend. You figured helping his friend would help take your mind off your missing brother, Bruce.

You had also become a doctor like your brother, but you were a doctor of medicine not whatever nerdy science he does. Apparently Steve and his friend required your skills, and in Steve's words, your calming presence.

You flew into JFK, and Steve pick you up as promised. He wore dark shades and a ball cap, keeping a low profile.

"Where's you friend?" You asked him, leaving the airport.

"He's waiting in the truck," Steve told you. He lead you out to the back of the parking lot, where a an old dodge Dakota with blacked out windows sat.

He opened the door and you slid into the middle seat next to none other than the winter soldier. He sat in an uncomfortable looking position sleeping. You couldn't help but notice the sleeve of the arm closest to you was flat.... No arm.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry," Steve said "I wouldn't have dragged you into this if I didn't have a choice,"

You looked into his eyes, he was dead serious. You put on your sunglasses, and said "I'm on your side Steve. Whatever you need, you got it,"

Steve looked relived, you turned to the man beside you. As Steve drove you studied the soldiers face.

Fair complexion, lots of tiny scars, thick stubble along his strong jawline. Very handsome.

"His names-"

"Eh-eh," you cut Steve off "I want him to tell me when he wakes up,"

Steve shrugged but didn't respond.

"How long has he been out?" You asked him

"I'd say 4 hours, hopefully he'll come around soon," He said.

Steve asked you about your life, and how things were going with trying to find your brother. You were about to tell him that you had no new leads, but a movement to your right stopped you.

"Hey buddy," Steve said looking over at his friend. He rolled his head to look at Steve, his eyes went wide when he saw you.

"You have a girlfriend?" He asked Steve, you thought it was a joke... You hoped it was a joke.

"No, this is (y/n) Banner, she's my friend," Steve explained.

"Banner as is the the big guy?" He asked no one in particular.

"He's my brother. Don't worry," you laughed a little "it's not hereditary,"

He cracked a smile, "Bucky Barnes," He offered his right hand to shake, you took it gently. Bucky sat up in his seat, and arched his back.

The cabin was comfortably silent for a time.

"Where are we going?" You asked,

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