One Shot: Just In Time

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Natasha x reader
(Inspired by the Dancing Preference)

One Shot 4

"Nat?" You called out in the apartment.
"Living room," she replied, you poked your head into the living room where Nat was looking through a scrapbook you had given her Christmas long before you were ever dating, before you came out even. She closed the scrapbook,

"What up?" She asked placing the scrapbook on the coffee table.

You handed her a flyer,
"I got the lead. I'm gonna be Odette in Swan Lake," you beamed.

She smiled "That's amazing (y/n)! When do you perform?" She asked. You pointed on the flyer,

"We open in a month, on the first Saturday...." Then you trailed off, "Are you gonna be on a mission?"

"Bubbles I promise that I will do anything it takes to be at this performance. I will abandon any mission I happen to be on to be here,"

"Really?!" You squeal.

"Yes. I pinkie promise," she assured you, wrapping her pinkie around yours.

"I'm inviting my mom and dad to come to the second showing, so I would advise you make it in time of the first," you said quickly. Your dad didn't like Natasha. Not because he's homophobic, he didn't trust her. Granted you told him that she worked as a secretary to a very important CEO, that's why she has to travel so much. You mom on the other hand, loved Natasha!

"Oh good. I still feel bad that your dad hates me,"  she said picking up the scrapbook again.

"He doesn't hate you..." You lied.

"Come on bubbles...
I know he hates me,"

You bit your lip, "would it help if I said I'm sorry?"

She laughed, "it doesn't bother me that much honey. Don't worry about it, I will be home in time for the first performance,"

Three weeks later

"Bubbles!" Nat called,

"Coming!" You replied, walking out of the room you and Nat had converted to be the dance room.

"Baby I'm sorry, I have to go on a last minute mission. I swear I would not go if it was not so important," she said while packing things into her duffel bag. You stared sadly down at her, but asked,

"What happened? Is everyone okay?"

"No, Steve found that old friend of his he's been searching for. I used to know him, Steve wants me to talk him into coming back with him to shield,"

"Oh! No guns then?" You said hopefully.

"Well uh... Not exactly. There is a wet team after him.... And Steve also asked that I help him take care of that,"

"Oh..." You said disappointedly. "Cutting it a little close don't you think?"

"I know. I know... But you understand don't you?" She stood up to look you in the eyes.

"Of course I do. I know how important this is to Steve," you could not help the sadness in your voice.

"I promised you I would be home in time for that show. I will be there." She pecked your lips. "Okay?"

You nodded, but pulled her back before she could leave for one last kiss.

"Be safe. For me."

She winked and blew a kiss and she slid out the door.

The night of the performance

Clint snuck back stage to see you.

"Hey kid," he said coming to sit down at your dressing table. Where you were standing on pointe, and doing pliés.

"Hey Clint, are you here to see us opening night?"

"Course, and I should probably go find my seat," he chuckled. "Break a leg out there kid,"

"Clint wait! Is Nat out there?" You asked catching his hand, coming down from pointe.

"I dunno, I assume she would be though. She promised you she'd be here, didn't she?" He relied

"Well yeah, but-"

"Then don't worry about it, kid. She always keeps her promises. Now go on out there and dance your little heart out," he encouraged. You smiled as bravely as possible, and nodded. And with that he disappeared back out into the audience.

A few minutes later, the curtain opened and the show began. No time to look for her now, now it was time to follow the steps and dance like there's no tomorrow.

About halfway through, while waiting for your queue you stole a glance into the audience praying she would be there. But you didn't see her...

You continued the show with a radiant smile. But on the inside you wanted to cry. She promised.

When the ballet ended, and you went to take your bow you finally saw her. In the very back. Still wearing her uniform and all dirty with a still bleeding cut above her eyebrow.

You looked right at her and made eye contact, and blew a kiss right at her. Many other people in the theater pretended to catch it themselves, but Natasha knew what was expected of her she puckered her lips and pretend to kiss the imaginary one that you had blown to her.

Once the crowd had cleared, Nat came into the dressing room. And shut the door behind her.

"Bubbles you were beautiful out there!" She picked you up and spun you in a hug.

"You made it!" You cried kissing her cheek.

"Of course I did! I promised,"

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