One Shot: Bouncy Baby- Pietro

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One Shot 24

You and Pietro had brought home your brand new baby less than a month ago. Gabriel was the sweetest baby. He didn't really do much since he was only a few weeks old. But you loved him so much. Your husband, Pietro took great joy in watching you mother his child. Your first born.

But nothing broke your hearts more as parents, than having Gabriel cry. That kid had a set of lungs like you wouldn't believe.

On this particular night Gabriel just wailed and wailed and wailed. You were about ready to start crying too.

Pietro walked into the nursery, hair fluffy and eyes a little bleary.

"Did you try feeding him?" His accent coming out thicker than usual.

"I've tried everything," you said tears pricking at your eyes. Pietro cams closer, sensing your distress. Gabriel screamed like his life was in danger.

Pietro reached out and scooped Gabriel out of your arms.
"Ладно ладно. Вы крика дьявол," he muttered.

The bounced little Gabriel in his arms, and swung him gently up and down. Gabriel's screams began to subside.

Why couldn't I do that? Why does he scream when I hold him? What's wrong with me? You thought.

You left the room, as Pietro laid Gabriel down in the crib. The tears you were holding back came flooding forth.

Pietro went back into your shared bedroom. You weren't there, and he got worried. He found you in the living room, sitting on the window sill.

"Дорогой, what's wrong? Gabriel is asleep," he knelt down beside you, placing a comforting hand on your shin. You couldn't stop crying, sobs wracked your body.

"Hey hey hey," he said, now very worried. He slid up onto the window sill, leaned forward and pulled your arms from your face.

You took a deep breath, and sniffed. "I'm a terrible mother," you sobbed.

Pietro opened his arms and pulled you into his lap. "Дорогой, what makes you think that?"

You cried into his chest, and held onto his arms.
"I can't comfort my own baby," you sobbed. "He doesn't love me,"

"Дорогой, he's barely two weeks old. He loves you when you feed him, and wash him, and talk to him,"

"I don't talk to him," you tried to say.

"Save it, Дорогой. I hear you at night. When you go to check on him. You talk to him," he chuckled.

"The pedestrian says it's good for him," you mumbled. Pietro began to gently rock you in his arms.

"You are a good маиочка," he whispered. "Gabriel will grow up never knowing what it means to be alone. He will never have a deficiency of affection,"

"What did I ever do to deserve a man like you?" You asked with a light laugh, tucking some hair behind his ear.

"More like what did I ever do to deserved you, Дорогой," he smiled pressing a loving kiss to your lips

Дорогой- Darling
маиочка- Mommy
Ладно ладно. Вы крика дьявол- Okay. Okay. You screaming devil

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