Hi Friends

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Tony: Well hello there ladies

Clint: and gents if you're into that. I see you boo ;)

Tony: Shut up! I'm talking to our friends

Pietro: Let me tell them!

Clint: Yeah Tony, who died made you queen

Tony: SHUT UP!

Steve: Okay, children. Let's play nice.
*head shake*
Bruce, I have to deal with these doofs. Can you tell the ladies and gents the thing.

Bruce: *deep sigh* I can't deal with this, it's stressing me out. I need some air, someone take over.

Loki: Allow me to-

Bucky: *shoves Loki out of frame* Not you ass wipe.
Hi guys, as you can see we are all here to say hi and ask how you're all doing.

Thor: hello my friends! I trust you have been well!

Natasha: okay even you two aren't getting to the point.
Hi guys we all wanted to say hello, and ask you what you wanted to see next in the book.
We would love to hear from all of you, even if it's just how your day was. This is a safe place, so please feel free to speak freely.

Tony: Ask your favorite character questions so- AGH

Clint: drags Tony back out of frame.

Pietro: Leave all the comments! And hugs! We like hugs!

Steve: *shoves everyone out of frame and locks the door.*
Clearly having everyone here to talk to you all was a bad idea. But that's okay, they mean well. They all love you very much, and I do too of course. And The Author she loves you guys too.
Anyway, we would love to hear from you in the comments or by personal messaging. We're always looking for requests and ideas. No idea is a bad idea. Well except for maybe the little fiasco we just had. That was a bad idea.

*something crashes in the background*

Well that is my queue, I'll see you all in the next Preference or Story.

*Door breaks down and everyone falls in*

Clint: We wanted to help say good bye.

Steve: Well I'm signing off now, so say good bye to our friends.

Everyone: Bye!

*camera turns away*

Me: Hello Friends! Did you enjoys your transcribed video preference from the team? I hope you did.
Anyway, I want to say thank you to all the lovely people who commented on my last chapter. Especially the A/N about people being mean in my comments section. It means so much to me that at least a few people care. So thank you so much for being so supportive.
I love you all so so much.
Please please please message me or leave comments with ideas and requests. Or just leave a comment on how your day went.
:) Love you!

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