One Shot: Lullaby PART TWO

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AN: Wow! That got more positive feedback than I expected! Well here is the second part to Blessing. This chapter was written and rewritten like 4 times, and I still don't think it's perfect. But it is the original request, and still pretty darn cute if I do say so myself. Enjoy!

One Shot 36

Lilian was a good baby, she cried a little but that's to be expected. But overall, you found motherhood to be really easy.

Of course you had your lovely boyfriend, Bucky, around to help you. That made all the difference.

When Lilian was born the whole apartment had to be flipped around and rearranged.

You moved into Bucky's room for one thing. Your room became Lilian's nursery.

It wasn't bad at all though, you and Bucky had become very close during your pregnancy and were now dating.

Not to mention, it was fantastic to have a big strong man to stand up for you and Lilian when Tom finally contacted you again. That was definitely a very interesting day...

Bucky was a good boyfriend, he had respect for you. And made you feel loved and cared for. And he was great with Lilian.

Bucky gave you a sense of normalcy. Like this was how things were meant to be.

That's not to say you didn't have your hardships. You were still in a really cramped apartment. In a rather unsafe part of town. He still had issues with PTSD. And you still had issues with trust sometimes. And money was always tight.

Clothes from goodwill, food stamps, more than a few nights with no dinner at all so that the rent could be paid that month.

But the two, well three, of you stood strong.

You were proud of your little family. You and Bucky made a good team.

One night, when Lilian was about 2, Bucky realized how much he loved you.

It was the middle of the night, everyone was sleeping. Until you woke up. Something didn't feel right. You sat up and listened, and sure enough you could hear Lilian crying in the next room.

You got up, and went to check on her.

"Lily?" You poked your head into the room. "What's wrong?"

Lilian began babbling about a monster chasing her and the sky raining chicken nuggets.

Clearly she had a nightmare. You scooped her up, and placed her against your shoulder, rocking her gently.

You rubbed her back, and began to sing.

Light from long-dead stars
Still journeys so far.
Celestial are the hearts,
Still love when love's passed...

You are my rosary,
You are my rosary.

Lilian hiccuped as you rocked. Her sobs subsiding as you sang.

I would abandon the moon,
Turning my back to the light
Till it's just me and the dark
Before your heart,
Here tonight.

In the other room, Bucky had woken up. He followed the sound your voice, and waited just outside of the door.

I would abandon the moon,
Raise up the stars from their space
Till it's just me and the dark
Before your heart
Here in this place.
Then you would be all I see.

He had heard you sing before a few times. But this was different. Usually your sang children's songs to teach Lily letters and such. But this was beautiful.

Love is all I need,
Your touch, your heart.
Love is all I want,
One light still on.

You are my rosary,
But you were not sent for me...

Lily was beginning to fall asleep again, so you sat down on her bed to finish the song.

I would abandon the moon,
Turning my back to the light
Till it's just me and the dark
Before your heart,
Here tonight.

You laid her back gently, but continued singing.

I would abandon the moon
Raise up the stars from their space
Till it's just me and the dark
Before your heart
Here in this place.

Bucky moved into the doorway, the floor boards creaking with the change. You looked up to see him standing there, watching you with eyes full of admiration and love.

Then you would be all I see.

After you had tucked Lilian back in, you walked into Bucky's open arms and accepted his gentle kiss.

"That was beautiful (y/n)," he whispered.

"Thanks, I try," you joked.

"I outta get you to sing like that for me sometime," he said bending down slightly to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his hips and laid your head on his shoulders.

"All you have to do is ask," you whispered as he laid you onto the bed.

He kissed your lips, and climbed in beside you. Bringing you in close.

"(Y/n), won't you please sing for me," he asked.

You smiled, and began to sing once more.

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