You get hurt

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Preference 24

Steve: You were accompanying Tony to a big business meeting, chit chatting in the car.
"How are things with Spangles?" He asked.
"Good, we're going to buy a puppy this weekend!"
"Ya know he reminds me of a Labrador Retriever,"
"That's my boyfriend I hope you know,"
"Yeah I know, I'm just kidding (y/n)"
Suddenly, the car swerved off the road and crashed into a tree.
The driver was killed on impact but you didn't know that yet, because you had been knocked unconscious.
The engine was on fire and the car was slightly tipped on its side.
"ugh...." He groaned "JARVIS deploy suit,"
The suit encased his body gradually, and he used it to blow a hole through the roof and carry you out. You didn't make it to that meeting, but when you woke up in the hospital Steve was right there. He didn't seem worried or stressed, as the doctors had told him that you were gonna be just fine, just a big cut on your head and broken pinkie finger.

Tony: He actually got a little mad when he got back from his trip and saw that you had sprained your ankle. You had been running on the treadmill in the home gym, and tripped over your own two feet. Of course JARVIS had been wonderful, taking care to call for an ambulance. And arranging for Clint to come pick you up from the hospital when you were released.
But Tony was so upset that A. You got hurt I the first pace. And B. That he was not informed!

Bruce: You make a conscious effort everyday not to injure yourself because you already know, if you seriously injured yourself Bruce would have a freakin anxiety attack. And he did, when you came into the room one night nursing a bloody nose, an ice pack on your shoulder followed by your good friend Steve.
He had seen you trip going down the stairs and tumble all the way down, and rushed to make sure you were okay. He's the one that went to get paper towels and ice. But he also cams with you to help explain to Bruce what happened. And if he freaked out too much, Steve wanted to make sure that you wouldn't he subject to further injury.

Clint: You and Clint both had a weekend off at the same time. (Hallelujah!) and you decided to spend it by going away for a weekend at a little beach resort.
You swam in the pool, played tennis, got a massage, and mini golfed to your hearts content. But, it wasn't until you played one on one basketball with your boyfriend that you seriously injured yourself.
While trying to get passed him for a layup, you stepped wrong and tore your ACL.
Of course after getting the reconstructive surgery and all, Clint loved to laugh about the fact that his girlfriend. The doctor, and emergency surgeon. Got injured.

Thor: Your gigantic hulking man of a boyfriend, is such a daisy sometimes. You were hanging out in a park, when you tripped and rolled your ankle wrong. He carried you in the gentlest way, and took excellent care of you.

Loki: Being totally honest, you were terrified when you got hurt. Loki was not with you, and you were going down the the sidewalk, on your way to meet up with Loki before heading back to the apartment. But you didn't make it to the rendezvous point, due to a mugging. It all happened so fast, when you tried to struggle the mugger bashed your head against the wall and you blacked out. What you didn't see what Loki seeing this happening and beating the man within an inch of his life.

Bucky: Bucky would lay down his life to protect you from harm. So when he came home to your shared apartment and found you in the bathroom leaning over the edge of the bathtub dripping blood onto the white tile, he went into a frenzy. He dropped to his knees, and begged you in a soft voice for details of what happened. You told him that your ex boyfriend came to visit and wouldn't leave, you laughed a bit when you told Bucky, "I swung first"
You also proceeded to tell him that your ex is much worse off right now, as you dislocated his shoulder and probably cracked his knee cap. But he only left because you pulled a gun.
Bucky swore up and down that he would never let anything like this happen to you again. And as tough as you were, you really appreciated that, because getting beat up isn't fun for anyone. And having a strong muscley man to stand up for you, is even better.

Natasha: Being a dancer you are prone to many injuries. But being shot is not one of them. You were performing at a charity event for children with cancer, and some psycho shot the place up. Natasha, unfortunately for the perpetrator, was attending the event. She ran that bastard down. Chased him 12 blocks before catching up to him, and cuffing him to a pipe. She called 911, and told them that she couldn't stay with the shooter, that her girlfriend had been shot. And she sprinted at top speed back to the community center where NYPD and the ambulances were just arriving.
You had been shot in the shoulder, the blood staining your pink and white performing dress.
All the children who were not injured had been ushered away to safe place, while the others were being treated by the on coming medics.
Natasha was impressed, you had a cloth pressed to the wound and smile on your face.
She's being brave for the kids... She thought.
Nat rode with you in the ambulance, she kisses your head and spoke of how proud of you she was.
In the end, no one died and the shooter was sentenced to life in prison.

Pietro: You aren't prone to injury the way he is, you tend to get hurt in little mundane ways. Nicking your leg when shaving, burning a finger while cooking, that kind of thing.

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