Where they like to kiss you

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Preference 10

Steve: Steve kisses your lips sweetly and passionately. Taking extra care to cradle you tenderly in his arms.

Bruce: He's a very sentimental man, he takes this relationship seriously. He doesn't want to jeopardize it in any way. He kisses you on the lips, but never let's them be too long or too short.

Tony: Any where he can get to. Neck, lips, hands, cheeks you name it. He makes it a point to give you kisses all through the day.

Clint: He's always sweet with kisses, but sometimes he can be sassy. So he likes to kiss your lips and cheeks teasingly to make you laugh.

Thor: Thor is a big man, and a King. He knows that you are not a sturdy as him and doesn't want to hurt you. But he's taught himself to handle you with care, and kiss the tips of your fingers with gentle lips.

Loki: Loki exceeds your height by more than you care to admit, consequently he finds it amazing to kiss the top of your head and run his nose in your hair.

Bucky: he's very cautious about touching you at all. He probably always will be. But he craves it. He gets such a good feeling inside when you force your arms under his for a hug, or go up on tip toes to press your delicate lips to his. When he gets up the courage to initiate kisses, he places them on your neck and along your shoulders.

Natasha: You are giggly and fun and love her give her kisses on the nose and cheeks. But she's a little different, she always accepts your cutesy kisses but when she gives you a kiss they are always sweet and meaningful. On your lips on your back Natasha makes her kisses count.

Pietro: Pietro makes a habit of kissing you as he sprints by. You don't react to anymore, but you smile and laugh to yourself. But when he slows up a little, he likes to kiss your shoulders.

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