Birthday Present

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Bon anniversaire mon amour , vous êtes très spécial pour moi et je vous aime tellement! Et Bucky vous aime aussi
Avec amour , à partir Bree

You took the day off of work, so you could sleep in and relax. Which is exactly what you did, and it was great.

At 6:30 pm, on the dot, the apartment door opened and the sound of heavy boots trodding through the entry way.

"Je suis à la maison chérie," he called.
I'm home darling

"Dans la chambre , l'amour," you called.
In the bedroom, love

He kicked off his boots, and made his way down the hallway into the bedroom. You sat on the bed, watching a movie. You looked up at him, and jumped up excitedly.

"Vous ne devez pas me acheter des fleurs!"
You didn't have to buy me flowers!

"bien sûr que je l'ai fait,
C'est ton anniversaire,"
Of course I did, it's your birthday

You pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Merci mon amour," Thank you my love

He took your hand, and said, "Prends ton manteau mon coeur cje vous emmène à dîner tonighg,"
Get your coat my dear, I'm taking you to dinner tonight

AN: You guys! It's my bestie's birthday today!! Bon anniversaire Noa! Send some love to my babe!!! supermiss98

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