Love Notes

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Preference 17

Hero work is hard, but I do it for you. I know I don't get to be home with you as often has you want. But I do love you, very very much

When you got home from the lab Bruce was not there. But a note was taped to the refrigerator.
Please don't get upset. I had to leave work early today. I came too close to a Code Green, for comfort. Tony got under my skin. I'm taking a few days to cool off and collect myself. I promise I won't get hurt, and I won't hurt anyone. I will be home by Sunday night, if not then something is wrong. Call Steve if that happens.
I love you so much, sweetheart. I wouldn't do this unless I had to. I have to keep you safe.
Love The Smart One

When you got to your desk, there was a vase sitting on it with some pretty purple flowers in it and a card. The card read,
To be honest I have no idea what kind of flowers you like. Or what these ones even are. I really hope you aren't allergic to them...
Anyway, I just wanted to give you these flowers to show you how much I appreciate you. As my assistant and my girlfriend. You do a lot for me, we both know I don't say thank you nearly enough. So please accept these flowers and the love in this card, as a thank you. And tonight I'll take you out to dinner, anywhere you want.
I love you babe, you're one in a million and all mine.
Tony (Stark. Not Tony Johnson from accounting)

A text message dinged on your phone one afternoon,
Hey Birdy,
I'm comin' home early! If you can have a little something ready to eat when I get home, I'll share this bottle of champagne I brought back with me.
[Insert picture of super fancy champagne]

My dearest love,
It is with a heavy heart that I must write you this letter of temporary parting. I have been called away by The All Father, on urgent family business. I do not wish to leave you, and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Upon my return, I will bring for you many exquisite things from Asgard. And give you anything you so desire. I only ask that you would wait for me.
With the deepest affections,

While cleaning the apartment, you found a stack of papers with Loki's handwriting on them. One of them read,

My Sweet,
It burns me in my soul that I can no longer give you the life of plenty you deserve. If I had my way, I would make you my queen. Of Asgard, or Midgard. Anywhere. You have worked so hard to receive so little....

Another read,
My Sweet,
If only life were so simple. You and I could be happy together. But it is difficult. Living the way we do. I want so much more for you.

My sweet,
You are a gem. A drop of sweet nectar. A golden beam of light. A swan in spring. You are everything to me.

I have been kidnapped by the guys. Apparently I'm boring and have no fun. So we're going away for a guys weekend. I don't want you to worry, so I left you this note.
I don't know how long I'll be gone, or how many I love you's and kisses you're gonna miss or need so I'll just leave them here for you.
I love you
I love you so much
I love you more than anything
I love you to the moon and back
I love you
I love you
I love you
Love Bucky
Next to the note was a bag of Hershey's kisses.

Last night I got a phone call from Clint. He's in big trouble... Like big trouble. I can't tell you where I am going for your own safety. You understand, don't you?
Please don't worry about me, I love you to the ends of the earth. I promise I'll bring you back all the beautiful things you deserve.
Stay safe, I'll be home as soon as I can.
Love, your Spy Girl

Sticky notes covered your wall.... All the same yellow color, except the pink ones that spelled out I Love You. And a little green one in the corner that read,
Hi, I love you!
(Don't worry I'll help you clean up the mess)

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