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*Camera on*
*Lens focus*
*Clint sits down in front of the camera*

"Hey guys and gals, I have a quick little note from Bree, our lovely author,"

*waves sheet of paper slightly*

"Just a couple things she wants to let you know and clear up,"

*looks at the list of things to say*

"Okay let's start with this, a few chapters ago Bree made a statement about maybe doing a Q&A for us and her, I think there was some mention of a tumblr account or something. But, uh, anyway there were exactly zero comments on that chapter so unless you guys really really want that and leave tons of direct messages or comments, those events are off the to do list,"

*looks back through notes*

"Okay, um, she'd also like me to let you all know that, at 3pm tomorrow (Pacific Time) she will be completely radio silent. She's going on a camping trip and will be out of cell phone range so she's not even taking her phone with her. Feel free to leave comments of private messages, although she makes no promises on reading every single comment if there's a ton of them,"

*ruffles through papers*

"Blah blah blah, lots of things to do. Blah blah blah. No role playing reminder, I will ignore that and hope the individual just stops on their own.... Uh lets see... Duh duh duh, oh here's a good part,"

*clears throat*

"Bree really appreciates you guys understanding her closing requests for my buddy Bucky. He's a pretty cool guy, but come on ladies, the other frogs need princess kisses too,"


"Okay, okay seriously though. There's just a couple more things I need to cover,"

"So there is a possibility that next chapter (a Bucky one, go figure), will come out tonight. BUT it's turning out really really really long and emotional so it may have to be a 2 parter. But we'll see,"

"And finally, Bree is giving you a list of all the upcoming things just to give you an idea of what your next few weeks are gonna look like,"

CW:Long Gone-Bucky (Not requested)
CW:Running Blind-Bucky
CW:It's Been A Long Day-Steve
Facing Fears-Bucky
Pref. Favorite  Memory
Functionally Dysfunctional Mommy-Bucky

"Damn! 8 whole chapters with no me?! I can only imagine how Loki or Thor must be feeling write now. We gotta show them some lovin' ladies and gents,"

*looks back at papers*

"Okay that's it. Bree loves you guys oh so very much, and I'll see you guys next time"

*camera fades out*

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