Young love

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Today is Carina's first day of school. She is nervous because she is new at that school and she wants to be liked by everyone.
Carina was wearing a beautiful green flower dress with some white sneakers that her mother bought.

"Bambina let's go or you'll be late to school" coming mama".

"Hi Mrs.Spampinato, I'm Mrs.Greenwood I'll be your daughters teacher" hey Mrs.Greenwood it's nice to meet you" likewise, how are you carina" I'm okay" that's good to hear, well class will begin but your mother can pick you up at 4pm"okay I'll be here, be kind to people bambina" okay mama". Carina gave her mama a kiss on the cheek and walked into class.

The teacher didn't plan much today she wanted them to figure out something by themselves so she decided to go outside to play.
"Okay class what do we think about going outside"yes" the whole class screamed except one but no one noticed it.

A lot of kids were playing football which carina didn't like so she studied the playground. She didn't like to go on the swing and she doesn't like to play football so what would she do. At the corner of her eye she saw a small girl with blonde hair. She was all alone sitting in a bench and looking down. Carina didn't like when people were left alone she thought it was sad and she doesn't like when people are sad so she always tries her best to help.

"Hi I'm carina what's your name" H-Hi I'm maya" that's a nice name" thank you I like yours to" how old are you" six and you" I'm six too, what are you doing" I'm playing with insects" ew gross" they're not gross" yes they are they have a lot of legs and are just gross" I don't think so"

Carina decided to sit down next to maya. Carina stared at maya while maya just continued to stare at the insects. Carina was curious and maya was curious but also apprehensive. After that little conversation they didn't talk anymore. Maya was still watching the insects and carina was still watching maya. And that's what they did all day.

" okay everyone it's time to go home make a line and we will start going inside" the teacher yelled " will I see you tomorrow" carina asked " I think so" maya whispered " okay I'll see you tomorrow"

And that's what happened the next day or you could say the next few weeks. Maya was still watching the insects and carina was still watching maya. All they said in the past few weeks were hey and hi. That's all. But carina was starting to get more curious. She wanted to know why maya was so quiet.

"Hey maya" hey carina". For a few minutes carina and maya didn't share a word like they were used to but carina decided to speak up " maya why are you so quiet" I-I don't know" are we friends?" I-I don't know I never had any" maya whispered ashamedly " that's okay can I be your first friend" okay rina" oh what did you just call me" o-oh I called you rina can I call you that" you can call me anything"

After that simple but affective conversation they were best friends. Maya would rant about her insects and carina would rant about her flowers. They were total opposites but they respected each other and they gave their honest opinion which they appreciated. When they were inside more maya started to draw carina little things like a red heart and that would melt carinas heart even tho she didn't know why she would get these butterflies and carina would write her little things like I love you even tho they both didn't really know what love was. What carina loved the most was that maya defended carina in every situation needed and sometimes not even needed. Carina even told her that she loved maya and maya said it back. But since life is the way it is there is always something bad that will happen.

They were outside again and maya was watching the insects again but carina didn't find it surprising. So she sat down and said " hey maya" but maya didn't respond back which carina found very odd. So she tried again " hey maya" and again maya didn't respond. Maya was to much in lane's world. Lane is maya's father. Lane is a wet sock, he is the warm side of the pillow. I'm conclusion lane is a piece of shit. But maya didn't know that at the time.

"Hey maya" carina tried again and again maya didn't respond but her body did. She had a tear rolling down her face. Carina saw that and instantly felt sad. Out of no where maya said " I'm moving" what do you mean" my father got another job in an other town" you can't move you're going to leave me alone and no one will protect me from the bad" I know I also don't want to move". Maya and carina had tears in their eyes. Carina was full on sobbing " B-But who will protect me from everyone, who will draw me hearts" I-I don't know"

After 10 minutes of crying they both calmed down and carina said" will you promise me something" what" that you will never forget me" I promise". Carina decided than to make a bold move and hug maya and maya accepted it. They were hugging until the teacher yelled " inside everyone"
Maya stood up and had tears in her eyes as well as carina. Carina hugged maya one last time and whispered in her ear " you're always going to be my protector" and you're always my rina"
And they both knew that this was the last time they would hug each other.

Or so they thought...

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