The meeting

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" maya's been acting weird don't you guys think" Travis said " I don't give a shit" Andy said " hey guys come on now, you guys have been so mean to maya for no reason, just because you aren't captain Andy, doesn't mean you can talk shit about your best friend, what kind of best friend are you, you're always taking shit about maya instead of being happy for her. Im really getting tired of all this bullshit" Ben said and left the kitchen. No one has ever seen Ben that angry before, they were all frightened especially Andy. Now that they all think about it. Maya does have been acting weird.

" Travis now that you're talking about it it's true" Vic said " that's what I'm saying" Travis said " let's go talk to her" jack said " I don't think we are in position to ask maya anything" Sullivan said " he's right" Vic said " I'll go and try to talk to her" Andy said and went down to maya's office.

When she arrived she couldn't believe her eyes. Maya had forgotten to close the blinds so Andy could see maya making out with an other woman. Andy in shock went back to the kitchen.

" that was quick" Travis said " why do you look like you've seen a ghost" Vic said " I think maya has a girlfriend" Andy said " what you're dreaming, maya herself said monogamy is for the week" Vic said " yeah but when I went down to her office she was making out with a woman and I don't remember maya ever bring a hook up over to her job" Andy said and everyone went ohh

" oh shit we've been so mean to maya that she didn't even share the news with us" Andy said " what maya didn't share" maya said with an authority tone " oh hi captain" Vic said " what do you all want" maya said. Since maya noticed that her so called friends have been taking shit she has been not very nice " nothing" jack said " Gibson shut up" maya said " do you have a girlfriend" Vic asked " that's none of your business Hughes" maya said

" I'm sorry" Andy said " you should be" maya said and left the kitchen. The kitchen suddenly had a different atmosphere. They all knew they fucked with maya. They all have been taking shit about maya except Ben but Ben already knew that maya had a girlfriend because he knew carina but the others, they don't know anything.

They all went down and saw that maya was talking on the phone and they could hear the conversation " yes my love I'll come over when I'm done" maya said and she suddenly turned around and saw that everyone was looking at her and she knew that they had heard her. " hey I gotta go" maya said and hung up

" line up" maya yelled " you guys know that it's disrespectful to listen to someone else's conversation on the phone and I'm very much over the bullshit. You all, except Ben have been talking shit about me and I'm very deeply disappointed in every single one of you. I expected more of you but I was wrong and before further questions. Yes I do have a girlfriend" maya said. Everyone was silent but maya could see the shock on their faces. " I'm deeply sorry" Andy and Jack said " yeah sorry doesn't do shit" maya said and left and went back to her office.

" I'm shocked" Travis said " me too" Vic said " I'm not" Ben said " wait did you knew about this" Andy said " yes" and why didn't you tell anyone" the way y'all were acting I don't think so and plus they wanted to make it low key so" I feel left behind" Vic said " yeah well next time don't talk shit about your friend and then you'll know some things" Ben said and left

The thing out of this was that it was close to the ending of the shift and maya was excited to go home to carina. They weren't living together but maya's home is carina so. Maya is going home. Once it hit six maya was out of the station.


Thank you so much to @samarpit_nasa for the idea and I hope you guys liked it and I hope I met your expectations @samarpit_nasa.

Please don't forget to vote it shows me that you guys liked it and it makes me really happy.

Also feel free to leave your ideas or opinions on the chapter in the comments.

Question of the day

What do you think will happen now with carina and maya because we saw that they are on better terms. I do hope they'll be back together fast because my marina heart can't take anymore heartbreak.

And I'm worried about THE PREGNANT LADY.

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