Hot tub pt.2

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" look my love we have a hot tub" maya said with a smirk on her face " I know Bella we are going to have a lot of sex in there" carina said and bite maya's ear.

Maya went to get food. They both decided they wouldn't eat at the hotels restaurant so they are eating in their room. Carina tho had other plans

While maya was getting food carina put on her new red bikini. Carina brought that set just for maya because she knows maya will go crazy.

Carina got in the hot tub and now all she needed to do was wait for maya to come. Literally.

" hey babe I got us food" carina" in the hot tub" carina yelled back " what ohhh" maya said with her mouth wide open. Gosh I have such a beautiful wife maya thought. " come here" carina said " let me get dressed" bambina you don't need to get dressed you need to get underdressed" why Ms.Deluca-bishop is there a reason for it" yes there is" you wanna tell me the reason" you'll have to find out"

Maya took of her clothes and was now just in her underwear and bra. Maya got in and pulled carina for passionate kiss. "Sorry my love I couldn't resist you look so sexy" maya said while bitting her bottom lip " oh I do" carina teased maya " mhm I could eat you instead" I wouldn't mind" carina said

Maya pulled carina back and kissed her more roughly. Maya started to leave open mouth kisses on Carina's neck and getting lower and lower. " bambina" mhm" " please stop teasing me" but there is no fun in that" maya said and continued to kiss Carina's down to her boobs " babe you look fantastic in this bikini but I gotta take it off" maya said and took the bra off and immediately started sucking. What maya wasn't expecting was for carina to take the lead " like you said you look fantastic in this but I have to take it off" carina said with a smirk on her face and took maya's bra off and immediately started sucking on maya's right boob. Maya's hands found a way in Carina's hair. Carina waisted no time and switched to the other boob.

After two minutes off playing with maya's boobs carina started to go down a bit " carina stop teasing me now you've been teasing me for the past five minutes" don't be dramatic it was like two minutes" no it's not" fine" carina agreed and pushed mayas underwear off. Thank god the hot tub is big or they wouldn't have the possibility to do what they're doing.

Carina put on of maya's leg on her shoulder and immediately started licking. Carina continued with that for a minute before she switched and sucked on mayas clit " fuckkk" you feel good?" Carina asked " yes" maya answered

Carina continued to sucked on mayas clit and without warning put in two fingers " fuuuucckkkk" maya moaned. Carina continued to do what she was doing and started adding some pace. " babe I'm" not now" carina said which send maya more vibrations " fuuuckkk" maya said and her legs started to shake. " now you can" carina said and maya let it go and cummed on carinas mouth. " fuckk" maya said out of breath " you good" good? I'm fantastic I just had a mind blowing orgasm for the most beautiful woman on this planet" thank you" carina said and kissed her wife softly" I should say thank you" maya said and cuddle into her wife.

I cried last week and I cried this week. When I tell you that 608 fucked with my feelings it fucked my feelings. That was a therapy session I didn't know I needed that was so heartbreaking to watch and Danielle is an amazing actress and I love Danielle with all of my heart but we didn't see my love stefania which I'm a bit sad about.

Let me know what you think about 608 and what do you hope happens next. I also hope you liked this chapter because I was really not in the mood write a smut chapter but here I am. Once again please don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you have ideas and would like me to do something with it.

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