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At the hospital someone had made cookies with marijuana in it. Carina being hungry and wanting a snack took three cookies with her and ate them. What she didn't know was that there was a drug in there. At first she thought it had a different taste but didn't give it much thought. After five minutes carina was out of it. Meredith knew that the cookies had marijuana in them so she asked everyone if they had taken a cookie and when Meredith asked carina had taken a cookie she said yes obviously. Meredith didn't really know what to do she had a lot to do so she asked if her girlfriend could come get her.

" hey maya" hey Meredith how can I help you" I need you to come get carina" why, what happened, is she okay" maya said worried on the phone " we'll come here and you'll see" okay give me five minutes"

Seven minutes later maya was in front of the hospital and there was carina and Meredith waiting.
" Meredith look that's my girlfriend, she is so beautiful" uhm hi Meredith what's going on" so we had cookies with marijuana in them" What!" Yeah so your girlfriends high as fuck" that'll be fun" Meredith can I have more cookies they taste funny" no for the thousandth time" but" no" okay" carina agreed " okay my love let's get you home" ohh are we going to have sex" carina" maya said embarrassed " I'll let you to it" Meredith said and entered the hospital again " you know you can't just talk about sex like that" why they are my friends and plus you're good at it" I know" but I'm better" hey" what Maya equals bottom and carina equals top" no it doesn't" okay so why are you always yelling my name and" okay that's enough" I want pizza" okay we'll get you one" how do you think that mosquitoes have sex" what" maya said confused but amazed with her girlfriend's condition " how do you think that mosquitoes have sex" you're the sex expert not me" I know human sex not animal sex" because listen when you look at a mosquito you don't see a dick" CARINA" maya shouted " what it's true" well I don't know probably like dogs and cats have sex" so doggy style" oh my god carina" what if dogs are having sex I would say they are using doggy style since they both dogs" carina I know why" oh okay well and I would say cats probably use catty style" does that even exist" probably" you're unbelievable" do you want to have sex" not with you like that" what" you're high" that's the best sex" you had high sex before" who didn't" me" yeah well you're boring" hey blame my father" uhhh I hate men uhh" me too" but I especially hate your father" yeah me too" I'm sad" why are you sad my love" maya said " because I'm not having sex or having pizza" well pizza I can get you one but the sex part is a different thing" well now I wish I was a mosquito" what why" so I could have sex" but you said that you don't know how mosquitoes have sex" omg that's right" carina whispered to herself" how many cookies have you eaten" I ate three" carina said like a proud child " that's not good" it's not" carina said confused" no my love you are high as fuck" hey I know that I'm tall don't make fun of my height" what no I'm - forget it" forget what" nothing" but you can't forget nothing if there is nothing to forget about, I'm confused" carina said " what pizza do you want" well I would like a pizza where you're in but I also want a pizza with pepperoni" how do you want a pizza with me on it" that's a good question" okay I'll get you a pepperoni one" okay" carina said with a huge smile on her face

Maya drove to the nearest pizzeria and asked for a pizza with pepperoni on it. When maya came back carina was crying

" what's wrong my love are you okay" maya asked worried " I can't see" open your eyes" wow it's magic, you have magic powers I have to tell everyone" carina said excited " what no I don't" you don't have magic powers" carina said sadly " no my love you just had your eyes closed" ohh" I feel like I have a one year old" what you have a kid, did you cheat again" carina asked sadly " what no" do you want a kid" that's a conversation for sober carina" what I'm not drunk" I know my love" but-" let's go home" but I'm already home" aww you're so cute" that's what she said" who said" sshhh don't tell my girlfriend but she always tells me that I'm cute and I like it" I promise I'm not going to tell her" thank you" let's go home" but my home is my bambina" I'll bring you to her" okay" carina said and turned her head and fell asleep.

Maya had a smile the whole time while driving home. Maya can't wait to tell carina tomorrow what happened today.
Hey guys I hope y'all liked it.

A/n:  so I had a very very shity day and if y'all could leave me some jokes on the comments that would be great.
For those who haven't heard it today.
You're valid
You did enough
You are enough
You will get through it

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