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Maya and carina were sleeping on their bed when maya suddenly heard something. Maya rubbed her eyes and went to Hayden's room. Both maya and carina have been very tired because Hayden cries a lot at night. When maya looked inside Hayden's room. Hayden was making greedy hands and maya picked him up. 

" Hey probie" maya said with a sleepy smile on her face " MeMe" Hayden said " mama is sleeping baby" maya said and quietly got out of bed.

Maya took Hayden into her arms. Hayden immediately put his head on maya's neck and closed his little eyes. " are you hungry probie"

Maya did not get an answer so she just went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Even though maya isn't as talented as carina in the kitchen, Maya is the best one at making pancakes and soup. So when it comes to those types of things, maya is the one in charge.

Trying to make pancakes with a little boy in her arms is a very hard thing to do. Maya stopped for a second because she heard something. When she looked down Hayden was sleeping. Hayden had just woke up because he wanted the comfort of his own mother.

Maya decided it would be a good idea to go lay Hayden back onto his bed. Maya came back and continued making pancakes.

Almost at the end maya felt two hands on her stomach and recognized immediately that I was carina. " hi my love" maya said " mhm" carina mumbled in maya's neck. " what is it with everyone sticking their heads in my neck" maya laughed " who sticks their head in your neck" carina asked angrily " your son" maya answered " that's because you smell like home" carina said and closed her eyes again

Maya finished making pancakes and finally kissed her wife. Before things got heated Hayden started crying. " uhh" carina said " carina don't be mean" maya said with stupid smile on her face " I love Hayden Bambina but I also love my Bambina and recently Hayden has my attention a lot and my Bambina is alone" carina said " awww you are so fair, I'll get Hayden put the table" maya said " bossy" carina said with a smirk on her face.

While maya went to get Hayden carina did the table and put the pancakes in the middle of the table.

That's how the DeLuca-Bishops spent their morning. Carina and maya talking and sharing lovey eyes and maya playing with Hayden. While maya played with Hayden Carina's heart melted.


I hope you all liked this one shot. I just had an idea yesterday and I decided to write. Thank you so much for all the support and all of the wonderful messages.

Thank you all for the 17k. And if you haven't read my other book that I published what are you doing!!!

See you next time

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