Bad days

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Since the incident that happened, maya has been doing a lot better. She has been going to therapy once a week and carina is always supporting her. Carina forgave maya but it was very hard for carina to forgive maya because she always felt like a second choice with maya. It was the job first and then her, which carina was getting fed up with it.

Today though, maya had a bad day like we all do sometimes. Maya just couldn't for the love of god take the voice of her father out of her head. First she tried to ignore it but it was getting louder and then she remembered that her therapist said that if she needed anything to call her so that's what maya did. She called Diane and told her what had happened today and that she was exhausted and she just wanted to go lay down in the clouds. Diane hadn't heard that phrase in a long time so when she heard it she didn't know what to say except " meet me tomorrow"

When maya got home, carina was already there. What maya didn't know was that Diane had called carina and told her what happened. Diane didn't specifically tell carina what had happened she just said that maya was not okay today and that maya will see her tomorrow.

Carina being a doctor and also having dealt with mental illness before, didn't say anything at first but was very clingy.

" hi Bella" carina said " hi carina" maya said. Since carina forgave maya, Maya had never used carina again, it was always my love or baby or Bella either way maya did not call carina by her name.

" what's wrong" carina asked " nothing" maya snapped but felt bad immediately " I'm sorry I've had a bad day but that's no excuse to take it out on you" maya said and went to take a shower " bambina you know you can always talk to me" carina said behind the door " I know" maya said

Carina went back to the kitchen and continued making dinner. Since carina knew that maya had a bad day, carina made maya's favorite dish. Spaghetti with meatballs. It was very simple but maya swears to god it's the best thing she's ever had. Carina doesn't think much of it but maya loves it, it sometimes concerns carina a bit but today carina had other things on her mind.

Maya came out of the shower and had a blue sweatshirt and some grey sweatpants on. Maya laid down on the couch and sighed. Carina stopped what she was doing and sat down next to maya.

" I'm tired" maya said with a voice that carina knew that maya was not okay " how tired Bella, mentally or physically" carina said "mentally" maya cried " ohh bambina come here" carina said and opened her arms wide open so that maya could crawl into.

Maya just laid there and cried for a bit. Maya was so exhausted that after ten minutes she was asleep. If carina was as strong as maya, carina would have taken maya into their bed but carina isn't as strong so she tried to go away without making any noise which didn't go very well because maya woke up.

" I'm sorry bambina" it's okay do you need help" maya said and hugged carina again " no Bella lay down" but" ahh shhhhh" carina said and put a finger on top of maya's lips. Maya then did what her wife told her and laid down.

After 15 minutes they both sat down to eat and maya ate like there was no tomorrow. " I fucking love this dish" maya said and put a hand on top of her belly to signal that she was full. " I'm glad you like it Bella" carina said and got up and started cleaning the kitchen. Maya helped carina and they both finished cleaning fast.

" baby can we cuddle" maya asked with puppy eyes " Bella you don't have to make puppy eyes for me to cuddle you, I would have cuddled you either way if you wanted to or not" carina said with a smile on her face.

Twenty minutes later maya was asleep again. Thank god they were in their bedroom now.

Thank you so much to @greysandmarvelslover for the idea and I hope you all liked it and I hope I met your expectations @greysandmarvelslover.

If any of you have any ideas or have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments. Please don't forget to vote it means a lot to me and it shows me that you guys like it.

So guys I just have one more one-shot to write so you'll probably will be without any chapters for a long time until I have my creativity back. So if you have some ideas once again feel free to leave them in the comments or come message me private.

Side not: if you give a chapter idea and don't want to be mentioned please tell me so. My private messages are always free, if you have any ideas or you just want to criticize something, it being bad or good, feel to do so.

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