It's okay

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Maya had a very hard shift. Andy and jack were still being assholes and making her job hard like the job wasn't hard by itself.

Maya was tired all she wanted was to be in Carina's arms. They have been dating for two months now but no one at the station knew because maya doesn't trust anyone at the moment to open up besides carina. Carina had the day off. Carina knew something was going on with maya but she knew not to push.

Maya was glad she was two minutes from being in Carina's arms there is no where in the world where she would love to be other than Carina's arms. She feels like she can let go, she feels safe.

Maya opens the door and doesn't yell the cliché phrase " honey I'm home". Carina heard the door open but when she didn't hear maya yell honey I'm home she knew something was wrong. Maya just looked right at carina dropped her things and ran to her girlfriend.

" ciao bambina" hi" maya said against Carina's neck " you okay my love?"mhm" carina knew she wasn't okay but she didn't want to push so she started to play with maya's short hair. They stayed there for twenty minutes until carina spoke up " you wanna talk about it" talk about what" bambina I've known you for six months and we started dating two months ago I'd say I know you well. I know when you're happy, I know when you're sad, I know when you fake a smile, I know when you're anxious" I'm tired" mentally or physically" both" do you wanna tell me why" job and me" what about the job" I don't wanna talk about it" bambina why are you hesitant" I don't know" I also know when you lie" stop it" okay than let's drop the job for now why are you tired of you" uhm you know the lane thing and I'm trying really hard not to use the eyes forward at all times" and I'm very proud of you for that" thank you" maya said blushing" I also know when you blush" you're making it worse with those comments, thank you" for what?" Just being you" wanna elaborate" it's just I never had anyone who just holds me and doesn't ask a lot of questions" bambina everyone goes at their own pace I can't force you to go at my pace or someone else's" jack and Andy are being assholes and they are treating me like shit which makes me feel worthless which also triggers the lane thing" WHAT" calm down please" sorry my love why are they treating you badly do I need to beat someone up" no offense baby but I think they would beat you up" none taken" carina giggle cutely " you're so cute" hey don't change the subject" sorry" it's okay maya I was just playing with you but why are they treating you badly" you know that I'm captain" yes I know and I'm very proud of you" you gotta stop being so cute, anyways they are treating me badly because they wanted andy to be captain" uhh are you working with children or something" I suppose" do you have to work tomorrow" no I have the day off, order from the chief" that's so good we can spend the day together" but you work tomorrow" I don't anymore" you're down bad" oh I know bambina"

Carina looked at maya with so much love and admiration. Carina never looked at anyone that way before. Maya was looking at carina the same way. Maya always thinks that she doesn't deserve carina which carina finds stupid.

" I know what you're thinking and stop it" what how do you know what I'm thinking" baby I've already said it I know you pretty well" okay what was I thinking" you were thinking that you don't deserve me"what how do you know, do you have superpowers that I don't know of" I have the superpower of love" you're so cute"

Maya kissed carina with so much passion. After air became a problem they just looked at each other's eyes. " I love you so much" I love you too so much" "Let's go to bed I'm very tired"  okay I'll be there in a sec" carina responded

Carina waited till maya was in their room and started to make a tea for the both of them. When she was finished she brought them to their room
" I made tea" thank you"
They cuddle together and toolbar few ships of their tea and they were out like a candle.
Remember guys don't have a partner or friend who forces you to speak about things you aren't ready for. Go at your own pace.
You're valid
You're enough
Sorry for the shorter chapter but I hope y'all like it anyways
I hope y'all have a good day/night

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