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" Bruno come on" carina yelled through the house. It was the first day of school for Bruno. Maya wasn't present at the moment because she was in a meeting in la. Maya tried everything she could to be there for her baby and her wife but they didn't let maya go so, Maya is stuck in a meeting.

" when is mama coming" Bruno asked " I don't know bambino but soon, I hope" carina said and whispered the last part. Carina has been missing her wife a lot but since maya had been working as chief she isn't as present as much as carina would like to but maya tries as much as she can to be present but sometimes it's not possible.

*ding dong*

Carina wasn't expecting anyone so she was with a foot behind. Carina opened the door and she couldn't believe her eyes.

" omg Bella" carina said and jumped into maya's arms. Maya caught carina and had a big smile on her face " hello my love" maya said with a loving smile " I thought you were at work" carina said " yeah well I left and I didn't want to miss my sons first day of school" maya said with a big proud smile

" mama" Bruno yelled when he saw his mom and ran to her " hello big man, did you put yourself into any trouble" maya teased " no mama I helped mommy and I painted you a picture but it's not here" Bruno said with a sad voice, he just wanted to show his mama the painting he painted. " it's okay buddy you'll show me when you get back from school okay, I'm sure it's very nice" maya said and put her hand into a fist and Bruno fist bumped her.

Carina was watching the interaction between her wife and her son and that melted her heart away. She knew that maya would've been a perfect mom but maya had always been afraid that she'll mess up the kid but carina knew that maya's so perfect to do that.

" come on my babies we have to go" carina said " let's go before mommy gets angry" maya said with a smirk on her face. Bruno the naive boy that he is didn't understand what maya meant but carina understood so she turned around and warned her wife " careful bambina don't do anything to make me angry" ay ay captain" maya played and put her hand on her head and saluted carina and then laughed " come on my silly goofballs" carina said and got into the car.

" bambina can you drive I'm not in the mood" yeah sure" maya said and got in the driver's seat. " hey buddy you're ready, this is a big step" yeah mama I'm ready but I'm just scared that I won't make any friends" I'm sure you will my angel, and if you don't make any friends I'm always here"maya said " okay" Bruno said and looked out the window.

Maya started the engine and put her hand on Carina's thigh. " I miss you so much Bella" me too baby I could not wait to get out of the meeting" how did you get out anyway" I just left and said there was an emergency" you're evil my love" carina said with a smirk " oh you know it" maya smirked back

" hey buddy just one thing" what mama" if anyone says something about mommy or you, when you get home talk to me okay, I'm always there for you okay kiddo" okay mama" Bruno shakes is head " oh and bambino don't forget, be nice to people" carina added " yes mommy" Bruno said and went to give his mommy a hug and then ran to his mama and gave her a hug too. 

" I can't believe my baby is growing" carina said with a sad smile on her face " yeah me too it feels like yesterday that he was crying in your arms" maya said and kissed carina softly on the lips. It was the first kiss since maya came back. " I love you so much" maya said between the kiss " I love you to Bella" carina sis sand kissed her wife passionately.


Thank you so much to @samarpit_nasa for the idea I hope y'all liked it and I hope I met your expectations @samarpit_nasa.

Please don't forget to vote it shows me that you guys like it and it makes me very happy.

Also if you have any other ideas feel free to leave them in the comments.

So guys I'm out of ideas so the only thing that is going to get updated is the rest of the one shots I have to finish and then I don't know. I'm really out of ideas so the probability that there won't be anymore chapters after I finish the ones I still have to do there won't be anything from me.

When I do get ideas I'll start writing so that's why I'm asking if you guys have any ideas because if so I'll write them and y'all have chapters

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