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Maya was never the kinda person to celebrate Christmas that was because of the rules she had to follow as a kid and the rules being set by her father. Maya didn't find the purpose in celebrating Christmas.

Carina on the other hand loved Christmas. She loved making the food for Christmas she loved the family gathering and the presents. Carina knew that maya wasn't a big fan of Christmas but she wanted to change that.

Normally it was maya who would wake up first but today carina woke up first. Carina made her famous French toast for Maya and made one for herself while she was waiting for Maya to wake up she decided to start decorating. Half an hour later maya was awake.

" what happened here" maya said confused " good morning bambina" carina said with a smile on her face " good morning what happened" maya asked " it's Christmas maya so I need to decorate" why are so many colors tho" because it's Christmas" that doesn't make sense" yes it does also I made you French toast" FRENCH TOAST" maya yelled and ran to the kitchen " bambina you looked like a kid" let me eat my French toast in peace" okay" carina said and have maya a little kiss and continued to decorate

"Babe can you help me" carina said " sure" help me put the star on top of the Christmas tree" uhm carina you are taller than me how am I supposed to help you" you pick me up and I put the star" fine" maya picked carina up effortlessly. " thank you captain bishop" carina said with an teasing smile " mhm glad I could help" maya said and grabbed Carina's hips and kissed her " bambina I have to make the rest of the food" FOOD" maya yelled " bambina stop yelling or you won't get any food" fine" maya said with a pout on her face.

This year Christmas would be celebrated at maya's house which she wasn't very excited for she just wanted to cuddle with carina and eat chocolate. " bambina I know you don't like Christmas very much but I will change that" carina said with an determined tone " I don't think you can change that but you can try" oh I will change that" carina said and continued cooking.

Carina had finished cooking and now they just had to wait for the guests. " maya bishop come here" not the government name baby" yes the government name, you will behave on Christmas you got it" yes mom" maya while rolling her eyes " stop rolling your eyes or I'll give you a reason to" carina said " oh yes please" maya said with a smirk on her face " later" carina whispered in maya's ear. Maya was about to kiss carina but the bell rang.

Carina went and opened the door " hey guys" maya said " merry Christmas" everyone said " where is jack" maya asked " oh he is stuck in traffic" good" carina whispered but only maya could hear. " guys I made food we just have to set the table and we can eat" I'll help" Travis said and went to the kitchen

" babe come here" maya said" yes bambina" I just wanted a kiss" maya said and gave carina a kiss and went to the kitchen. While they were setting the table the bell rang " I'll get it" maya said " no bambina sit I'll go" carina said with a tone that maya knew too well. Maya didn't say anything back she just sat down " oh maya you are down bad" Travis said " shut up Travis" maya said while blushing " hey guys" jack said " jack why do you look like you seen a ghost" Travis said " what" while they were discussing why jack looked like he had seen a ghost maya knew why so she asked for carina to come with her to their room "guys y'all will have time to make babies after we leave but not now" shut up Vic I just want to tell carina something" I don't think you can speak with your tongue down her throat" VIC" maya yelled "sorry not sorry" Vic said

" baby why does jack look like he seen a ghost" maya asked " I just said that if he tries anything I'll make him choke on a horse's dick" carina" maya said surprised " what" carina said like she hadn't just said something crazy " you can't say something like that" maya said with a small smile on her face " why not" because he works with me" one more reason to say that" are you guys done making kids" Vic yelled " Vic we are just talking we are not making kids" maya said " we are waiting for you guys so that we can eat" we are coming" that's what she said" maya and carina got out of the room and maya said " Vic how old are you" we'll technically I'm 32 but in my head I'm like five" yeah I think you're younger" hey" Vic acted offended " shut up Vic and let's eat"

Everyone started eating and making conversation the only one who was not talking was maya. She was too much in her head and carina started to notice it " bambina get out of your head everything is okay" sorry" maya said while lowering her head " bambina there is no need to be sorry" yeah but I feel like I'm going to mess up Christmas" bambina you are not going to mess up Christmas you are not your father you are my bambina and my bambina is the sweetest human being in the whole world" carina said with a gentle tone and gave maya a kiss.

Carina hung something on the way to the living room. It was a mistletoe. Everyone had finished eating and they all helped bring the things back to the kitchen

" guys look up" vic said jack who was next to Travis looked up and had a horrified face " kiss kiss kiss" everyone said. Travis was making a kissing face while jack had a disgusted face. Jack was about to walk away but Travis kissed him. Everyone started laughing and jack started to freak out and ran to the bathroom to wash his mouth. Carina wanted to kiss maya so she took maya's hand and put her under the mistletoe. Maya looked up and had a smile on her face. " kiss kiss kiss" everyone stared saying " can I kiss you bambina" you don't have to ask you know that" maya said and grabbed Carina's hips and kissed her passionately " okay that's enough lesbians" we are not lesbians we are bisexual" well that's enough bisexuals" maya and carina chuckled and helped the other bringing everything to the kitchen.

" okay it's time to open the presents"maya said everyone had opened their presents and now it was maya's turn she was the last one. Vic gave maya some clothes because maya only owned sports clothes and the clothes maya did have that weren't sports clothes was not in fashion anymore. Andy and Jack gave maya some sports clothes. More for maya's collection and Travis gave Maya handcuffs which everyone laughed at and carina gave maya a dildo which maya didn't show anyone because she closed the presents right back.

" thank you guys so much for coming I'll see you Monday" maya said and closed the door " see I told you you wouldn't mess up Christmas now one more thing" carina said " what" maya said confused " wait here" carina said and ran to their room.

Carina took off her clothes and pour on some black lingerie and some black heels " bambina come here" maya decided to follow and went to their and when she opened the door her jaw dropped on the floor " oohh merry Christmas to me" maya said and closed the door

That was a long night for the both them

I hope you guys liked it and once again a big thank you to @ava2206 for giving me this idea and please don't forget to vote it shows me that you guys like it and if you have ideas yourself that you would like me to write leave them in the comments

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