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This year station 19 is making an other calendar which they haven't done in a while. Everyone is excited except maya. Of course.

Maya didn't tell carina that they will make a new calendar because she hates it. Last time vic did it and this year it's going to be Travis which makes maya more afraid.

" okay everyone, I will call everyone by their name and then we take some super sexy photos" Travis said with a smirk " I can't wait for this to end" maya sighed " don't be mean maya this will be funny" Andy laughed " oh I'm sure it'll be funny" maya said

"Bishop" Travis yelled " oh here we go" maya said

Meanwhile carina was at home. Carina isn't working for at least a few days. She took some time off because she was really tired and she wanted some time off to enjoy herself.

Bored at home carina decided to go annoy her wife at work. She got into her Porsche and went to maya's work.

" ohh we have a lucky surprise" Vic said " what" carina said confused " oh maya didn't tell you" Vic said " what did maya not tell me" carina asked afraid" we are making an other year calendar" Vic said with a smirk on her face " ohhh" carina said and bite her lip " she's in the captain's office" vic said

Carina looked behind her and saw that the blinds were shut. She knocked on the door and heard " come in"

When carina opened the door she could not believe her eyes. Maya had on the firefight pants on and had a black blazer with no shirt underneath but her boobs were of course covered.

" oh hi baby" maya said flustered " why didn't you tell me you were making an other calendar" carina asked trying to be mean but couldn't because her wife looked so hot. " I'm sorry baby I just hate it and I would give you the calendar at some point" maya said " mi amor you're not helping yourself here, let me kiss you, you look extremely hot" carina said and kissed her wife passionately " uh " Travis said " right sorry Travis" maya said " if I was a woman we would be a couple" Travis said " sorry Travis even if you were a woman we wouldn't be a couple because I'm too possessive" maya said " that's right" Carina said " are we done here" maya asked " yes we are done" Travis said " we're out" Carina said and took her wife's hand

" you're into trouble missy" carina said " oh I am" maya said " yes" Carina said and kissed her wife passionately " mhm" maya moaned " let's go home" carina said


Thank you so much to @solveigiang for the idea. I hope you all liked this one shot.

If you have any ideas feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll try my best to write something about it.

Once again thank you all for all of your support and all of your messages about your excitement for my book and I very happy to announce that my book will be published on 14 April.


I hope you all come along with me on the journey and once again if you don't want this book to end leave some ideas in the comments because I'll be focused on the book.

Once again thank you all for your support and thank you so much for taking your time to read my one shots once in a while.

There will be a part two to this so be prepared 👀👀

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