Hot tub

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" hey babe when are we going on vacation" carina asked " in two weeks my love" maya said and continued to cut some vegetables. Carina forced maya to take a vacation because carina knew that maya wasn't in her best mental state. Therefore carina decided that they should take a trip to Mexico. It was very hard to convince maya to go on a vacation but what sold the vacation for maya was that maya knew that in Mexico it's very hot and she knew how much carina loves beaches so Maya is going to see carina in a lot of different bathing suits and she appreciates Carina's body so much and carina knows that maya is only going on vacation because of that but she is not mad she's quite the opposite.


"Are you ready" carina asked excitedly " yes I am" maya answered with the same enthusiasm " okay let's go" carina said and grabbed maya's face and gave her a kiss before running towards their car. Maya's heart melted at the sight. I love her so much I don't ever want to lose her maya thought.

They boarded and were now sitting on the front row. Maya was watching out the window and carina was sleeping with her head on maya's shoulder. After a few minutes they both were sleeping.

A few minutes before the plane landed maya woke up and saw that they were close to landing so she woke carina up. " babe wake up we're almost landing" maya said and gently shook carina " mhm what" we're almost there" maya said " okay" carina said with a sleepy voice and with a cute little pout.

"ladies and gentleman we landed in Mexico I hope you have an amazing trip" the pilot said

They got off the plane and went to get their baggage. The bus was waiting for them to take them to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel. Maya went to check in while carina was exploring the hotel a bit. There was a big fountain in the middle of the hotel and around the fountain were a lot of chairs. While carina continued to explore the hotel maya finished checking in and spotted carina sitting on a chair.

" babe we can go check our room" maya said with the card of their room in her hand. " finally" carina said and gave may a little kiss and stole the card form maya's hands

Carina was now waiting for maya at their door because she wanted the both of them to go in together. " I'm here" maya said and carina swiped the card and the door opened.

" wow" was the first thing they both said. There was a large king size bed with a little sofa on the side. To their left was the bathroom and to their right was a balcony but not just any balcony. On that balcony there was a big hot tub and an other sofa.

" look my love we have a hot tub" maya said with a smirk on her face " I know Bella we are going to have a lot of sex in there" carina said and bite maya's ear.

I'll post part two asap.
And we are going to ignore what happened on 607 because I still didn't process it. If you have ideas feel free to leave them in the comments. I hope y'all liked it and please leave a vote it means a lot and it shows me that you guys like it also if you have something to say or you have an opinion about 607 or if you want to predict the future about what will happen between them feel free to leave them in the comments

I hope y'all have an amazing day/ night

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