The aftermath of 607

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I'll lose you either way Bella, I'd rather lose you and have you be alive" carina said with teary eyes

"Carina, CARINA, CARINA" maya yelled

Carina left the room and just broke down. She couldn't hear her wife's screams anymore so she put her fingers in her hears to stop hearing the screams.

" And cut" said the director. Stefania couldn't stop crying it was getting too much. Danielle heard the director saying cut but why is Stefania still crying. Danielle jumped out of the hospital bed and hugged Stefania. " it's alright I'm here let it out" Danielle said while she hugged Stefania tighter. " my sister" I know I know" I love her so much she means everything to me she is my other half" Stefania said while crying. Danielle didn't answer she just let Stefania cry. Danielle knew that crying is healthy so she let her friend cry on her shoulder. After twenty minutes Stefania had fallen asleep on Danielle's shoulder. They still had scenes to shoot but they all know that today wasn't the day. Danielle picked Stefania up and put her in her trailer.

Danielle was going through her lines quietly. She didn't want to wake Stefania up. Danielle was sad she didn't want to see her friend like that. Danielle herself was very much attached to maya and carina so imagine being attached to two characters and knowing that your sister isn't here anymore.

" you feeling better" Danielle asked gently " yeah I just have a massive headache" I knew you would get one there's a water bottle and a ibuprofen on my nightstand" thank you" Stefania said " if you ever wanna talk you know I'm always here for you" yeah I know and I appreciate you very much" Stefania said and took the pill and drank a bit of water.

" what time is it" nine pm" where is everyone" home I think" why" the director gave us the rest of the day free" so what are you still doing here" Stefania asked with confusion " I didn't want to leave you alone" you're very kind you know that" Stefania said and hugged Danielle " thank you" Stefania said in Danielle's neck" of course if there is anything else that you need help with please don't hesitate to contact me" you've done a lot already but thank you" you wanna go back to sleep here or do you want me to take you home" Danielle asked " no I'll sleep here if you don't mind" I don't mind at all I'll see you tomorrow than" Danielle said and started to walk towards the door to leave. " uhm Danielle" Stefania said " yeah"Danielle said "can you sleep with me I don't want to be alone" yeah sure" Danielle said and took of her clothes and put on some shorts with a t-shirt. She got under the covers and slept on her side without touching Stefania. Stefania and Danielle couldn't sleep that's when Danielle decided she was going to cuddle Stefania " I hope you don't mind" Danielle said and cuddled Stefania being the big spoon.

Danielle was waiting for Stefania to go to sleep so that she could go to sleep and after a few minutes Stefania was asleep again.

I want to thank every single on of you because we've reached 7,53 k readers and 302 votes it really means a lot to me guys and I'm very happy so thank you.

Also if you have any ideas please feel free to leave them in the comments or message me.

And thank you to @jkbishop for the idea

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