The pregnant lady

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Maya's been in therapy for two weeks now and she has been feeling a lot better. Diane, her therapist cleared maya to work and maya has been excited the whole day for it. She couldn't sleep with the thought of going back to work and the thought of seeing her wife.

Maya has been holding herself back because she knows that carina asked for space. Maya has tried everything to not call but today she couldn't hold herself back.

" hi carina I know you said that you wanted space and I'm willing to do that but I just couldn't wait. I've been feeling a lot better and I've been working with Diane for two weeks now and I love you very much and I'm sorry that I had to hurt you to realize that you're my world" maya said on voice mail.

Carina heard the voice mail and her heart broke she knew that maya fucked up a lot but carina just couldn't forgive maya. Maya had caused so much pain in such short period of time that carina is very afraid that she will have to deal with maya again.

" welcome back bishop" everyone at the station yelled " awww thank you so much" maya said and hugged everyone " how are you doing" Andy asked " I'm feeling a lot better, I've been working with Diane almost every day so" maya said with a proud smile on her face " I'm very happy for you" Andy said and then they were called for a call

Gibson didn't go on the call. Gibson has been supporting the couple since they first started dating and the fact the Gibson knew that carina was having an other case with an other woman broke his heart and he's not even dating her. He knew that maya will be heartbroken when she hears this.

" omg I forgot how much adrenaline this is" maya said with a smile so big that it scared Gibson. While maya was rambling about how much adrenaline that has carina entered the station and saw maya.

Carina's heart melted at the sight. Maya was so happy that she was jumping around like a little kid. Maya has been known as someone with a lot of energy and it's very noticeable.

" oh hi carina" maya said " hey maya" carina said. It was weird for the both of them to call each other by name. They always had a pet name for each other.

" how are you" maya asked genuinely " I'm okay" carina said " I have to go" carina said and left

" I hope you tell her what's going on because she has the right to know" Gibson said to carina" yeah I know I just don't know how to tell her" carina said " yeah well figure it out because if you don't tell her I will" Gibson said and left.

Carina should be working but she couldn't concentrate. She was thinking about what Gibson said. Carina decided she would tell Maya about her new girlfriend.

" oh hi carina" maya said in a towel " I need to tell you something" carina said and checked maya out.
"What's up" maya said worried " I" carina stuttered " carina take your time" maya said and put on some clothes " I have a girlfriend" carina said

Maya was shaking she didn't know if she heard right or if her mind was playing with her. " you- you have a what" maya stuttered " I have a girlfriend and uhm she's pregnant" carina said

Maya couldn't respond she ran out of the station. Gibson was listening to the whole conversation because he knew maya wouldn't be okay.

Maya just ran she couldn't stop running she tried to stop running but she couldn't it felt like she wasn't in control. Out of nowhere maya called Diane

" hi ma" Diane said but was interrupted by maya " I can't stop running " what" Diane said confused " I can't physically stop running" what happened " Diane asked " I " maya said and started crying " okay maya it's getting dangerous can you tell me where you are" I don't know where I am " okay maya uhm let me FaceTime you"

Diane FaceTimed maya" okay maya I know where you are, let me come to you"
Diane rushed to maya. Maya was not where Diane FaceTimed her she was gone already. Diane had forgotten that maya couldn't stop running.

Diane decided she would go around the block.
" maya stop running" Diane said " I can't" maya said

Diane put herself in front of maya and maya collapsed into Diane's arms.
" what happened maya" carina" maya whispered " what about carina" she has another girlfriend and she's pregnant" maya said and Diane was shocked. She never thought carina would be capable of doing something like that.
" you'll be alright" Diane said and hugged maya tight. Maya needed someone now

Thank you so much to @ZiyaNijhuis for the idea and I hope you all liked it

Feel free to leave some of your ideas in the comments and I'll be happy to try something with it also please don't forget to vote it means a lot and it shows me that you guys liked.

I also want to thank you guys for all of your support because it warms my heart knowing that I'm helping someone out there

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