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Hey guys so I've been thinking about making a book about maya and carina but I never had the courage to make one.

I've had a lot of ideas for the book and one of the ideas I had was the same idea that @samarpit_nasa had.

I'll be away for a bit because I really want to write the book but the one shot will not end unless I'm out of ideas then probably. I still am going to write the other shots I have to finish and some ideas I had.

If you have any questions about the book feel free to ask me and I'll be happy to respond also if you have any ideas for some other one shots feel free to leave them in the comments

I will finish writing the one shots I still have to write and in one of those will be the release date of my book so be prepared.

I do want to thank everyone though for their support it really means a lot and I'm honored that you all take the time of your day to read a one shot that I made or just a rant. I love our little community and I love all of our interaction in the comments.

I hope I continue to keep you entertained and I hope I can make you laugh and cry with my one shots and hopefully you'll be with me on the ride for my first book about maya and carina.

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