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Maya woke up with a sore throat and a very bad headache but she still went to work. When she arrived at the station she went immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up. She went back to her office and started doing some paperwork.

" hey maya you okay" Andy said " yeah I'm fine" you are not fine" what how would you know" because you look like you haven't slept in a hundred years and I saw you running to the bathroom"Andy said " I'm fine I just have a bit of a cold" Maya bishop do you want me to call your wife" please no I'm begging you please don't call her" maya said and sneezed " see" Andy said with a face that said I told you so. " fine I'll go home you're captain till I'm back" take good care of yourself maya" Andy said and watched maya walk away. When maya was no where to be seen Andy pulled out her phone and called carina

" hi Bella what can I for you" carina said " hi carina I just want to let you know that maya is sick and she is going home and she told me not to tell you anything but you know I will tell you anything" Andy said " wait how is maya sick she was fine this morning" yeah I think she played you" uhhh thank you Andy" of course"

Carina took the day off and went grocery shopping. She bought everything to make a soup. She wanted to make a soup her mama made when she was sick. When carina arrived home she saw that maya was in their bedroom sleeping. So she took the time to make the soup.

" bambina wake up" mm" Maya bishop wake up" carina said with a serious tone" I'm up" maya said with a sore voice " so a little bird told me you were sick and you didn't told me and now I'm very mad at you" what I told Andy not to tell you" you're not helping yourself here maya" I'm sorry baby I just wanted to go to work and not worry you" bambina the day I started dating you was the day I became worried about you" I'm tired" maya said and laid back down

" eat a bit of soup and then we can cuddle" carina said with a caring smile " thank you for making me soup, when I was younger I had to suck it up and I had to run and my dad told me that even if I'm sick I should work" bambina you know how I feel about your father and he's wrong you have to take breaks when you're sick and I'm glad I can take care of you" you're so perfect" maya whispered but it was like the whispered was for herself not for carina

" I can't eat anymore" maya said and laid back down" that's okay did you take your temperature" yeah it was high and I have a very sore throat" that's what she said" carina said and laughed at her own joke " I would laugh but it hurts" awwww my poor bambina" carina said and got under the covers and pulled maya close. " next time your sick you're going to tell me or you'll be in trouble understand" carina said with a serious tone " yes ma'am" maya said and snuggled into carina even more. " I love you" was the last thing maya said before she was out " I love you to bambina more than you can know"

Remember to take breaks your body and mind needs it some times and take good care of yourself.
A big thank you to @ava2206 for the idea and If you guys have more ideas feel free to leave them in the comments.
Be kind to yourself

"Love yourself like for yourself" - Danielle Savre

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