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Maya had an accident two weeks ago and she has been staying at Grey's Sloan for two weeks. Carina has been very worried about maya. When she heard that maya had an accident she broke down but Jo helped her out.

Now maya is being released and maya is going home. Carina is taking care of maya of course. Maya isn't very happy about the fact that she has to stop working for a while but is happy anyway for the time off.

" come on bambina" carina said and opened the door for maya. Maya's accident was bad. The roof fell on top of maya and she can't really walk. She also broke her arm.

" I'm tired" maya said " I know bambina but you'll sleep soon" carina said and kissed her wife softly " do you think this will heal fast" maya asked " I don't know Bella, why?" Carina asked " I just don't want to feel like I'm not doing anything" maya sighed " Maya Deluca-Bishop you are enough and you are giving your hundred percent" carina said " baby not the government name" maya complained " that's what you get for talking bad about yourself" Carina said.

After a few hours maya was really tired so she went to sleep and carina was just next to her wife.

Carina started to notice that maya was moving a lot during her sleep which isn't very good for her legs and arms.

Maya out of nowhere wakes up screaming. " it's okay maya it's just a nightmare" carina said " you're here" maya said while crying " I'm here bambina" Carina affirmed. Maya just continued crying. Maya was exhausted.

" you want to tell me about your nightmare" carina asked carefully " I was at the station and we had a call and when I returned I had a phone call from Bailey so I called back and she said that you died in car accident" Maya stuttered and started crying again " it's okay Bella I'm here" carina said " I love you so much" maya said " I love you more" carina said " not possible" maya argued " it is possible because I do" Carina said with a wide smile " let's just agree that we both love each other very much" maya said and cuddled more into carina.

Carina waiter for maya to fall asleep and told her " I love you more" and fell asleep

Hey guys

I want to thank everyone for their support and I'm very happy to announce that we reached 15k reads that means a lot to me and I'm very happy that you all make part of it. I really really appreciate you all and all of your comments.

I hope you all liked this one shot I just had an idea a few weeks ago and I wrote it and I've been working on it.


So I have a few ideas for my book and I'll start writing for the book. I still need to find a cover for the book though.

This book will not end unless I'm out of ideas so feel to leave some ideas in the comments

In one of the chapter I will announce the release date and I hope y'all come on this journey with me.

Marina one shots Where stories live. Discover now