One thing

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Who would have known that maya bishop was capable of love. Well everyone around her saw that she was coming of loving someone, well everyone except her and her father.

Maya just been order to go home to her wife and son so she did what her new captain said. She still didn't quite understand how she was fortunate enough to have met someone like carina. Her brain still thinks that she's a monster and that she will snap at carina at any moment but that's not case because as much as her brain is a little bastard for playing with Maya's feelings like that maya will always respect, desire and love carina.

"Bambina what are you thinking about" said carina with their son in her hands. " nothing just thinking about how luck I am to have found you" said maya and kissed her wife " well I think I'm the lucky one" argued carina " love you're an angel walking on earth" said maya with loving eyes " aww bambina you're so sweet" carina said and gave Liam to maya so she could hold him to for a bit.

" do you want to get take out" Maya asked " sure I'll call our favorite Italian restaurant" carina said and walked back to the kitchen to call the restaurant

" I little peanut " said maya and lightly rubbed his little cheek. " so what have you done all day my little probie" Maya asked

Liam responded by moving his little legs and taking her mommy's finger. Maya is still fascinated by the fact that a little human like her son could be so fragile yet so strong. If it were up to maya, maya would just take her wife and son and stay in their house forever and never come out.

" bambina they said it will be ready in half an hour" carina asked as she entered her son's bedroom. Carina sensed that something went wrong today but she didn't want to push maya because she knows from experience that it'll only push her away more. Carina wished she could just take her wife and protect her from this mean world. If there was one thing that carina would love for maya to do was to see her through her eyes. Carina finds maya so beautiful so intelligent so strong so sweet she doesn't understand how maya doesn't see herself like that but then again both their fathers weren't quite nice to them.

" love can you take him really quick I have to go the bathroom" Maya said and gave Liam back to her mom " mommy is beautiful isn't she" carina affirmed and started lightly rubbing his stomach " you know I really love mommy so much" said carina " I love mom really much too" said maya as she entered the bedroom " did you hear what I said " carina asked with a smirk on her face " you know I hear everything" said maya

Maya sat down next to her wife and put her head on the empty shoulder and closed her eyes " you're safe" carina said softly

That's how they stayed for the rest of the night while waiting for their food to come. Just the three of them sitting in a comfortable silence.

Hi guys

I know it's been quite a lot of time since I wrote anything but I do want to say thank you to everyone who liked my story or who put it on list to read later and also a special thank you to everyone who commented and followed me.

The absence of me was due to lack of motivation and lack of imagination. You could say I had a writer's block but since we all know that the series is ending I would like to keep the series alive this way by writing about it and sharing opinions on things and by sharing our love for the show but in particular for maya and carina.

If you have any ideas feel free to share them and if you liked my little comeback feel free to leave a like or comment.

I do really hope everyone enjoyed this little chapter and I hope that there will be more to come

I hope you had/have amazing day/night

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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