Surprise.... Wait what?

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A/n: I changed the story a bit and maya did not cheat on carina

Maya and carina had been dating for two months now. Maya was still captain of station 19 and the chief wanted every captain from other stations in Seattle to come together to have a conversation about what they could do to improve the stations. So Maya had packed everything she needed for the week. Maya thought it was too long there, there is no need for one week, one or two days would have been enough but no the chief wanted one week.

" maya do you have everything you need" carina said " yes I do" maya said and put in her car. " are you sure you don't need the car" maya asked " yes bambina, Amelia will come get me" are you sure" yes bambina, now go before you're late" okay" maya said and kissed carina.

Two days have passed and maya was missing carina like crazy. Maya didn't do anything in those conversations she had only spoken once and since then she has not spoken more. Maya tried to call carina twice today but she got no answer. Maya texted carina

Hey beautiful I just wanted to say I miss you so much and I want to know if you are okay. When you have the time call me.

Forever yours,

Two more days have passed and maya was missing carina so much that she sometimes was so much in her head thinking about carina that she didn't hear when the chief spoke to her. There were more three days to go but maya could not wait to get home to carina.

They had a FaceTime yesterday and maya was rambling about how much she misses carina and that she wishes she could go back so that they could cuddle. Carina was a bit coldish but maya thought it was just her being paranoid so she let it go. Carina did not reply to maya's messages. Maya was missing carina like crazy and carina was not responding which made maya sad and concerned.

Two more days had passed and maya had enough. She missed carina to much she even cried at night about how much she misses carina so Maya decided to pack her things and she spoke to the chief saying that something happened home and she had to go and the chief said it was no problem because she was going to tell they could go anyway so maya was very happy about that.

On her way home she was listening to music and swinging her head because she was really happy that she could finally go back home. She looked at the watch and saw that carina was still at work so she thought why not surprise carina at work.

" hey maya how was your little trip" Amelia asked"boring as hell" maya said "I can imagine" oh do mind telling where carina is at the moment" yeah the last time I saw her she was in her office" okay thank you" maya said and walked away eagerly. She ran up the stairs and she did not pay attention the sounds that were coming from her office. Maya did not knock she just opened the door and said surprise. What maya was not expecting was seeing carina and Owen naked. Maya closed her eyes and opened them again just to see them both trying to hurry up to put back some clothes.

" what the fuck carina" bambina it's not what it looks like" first off all don't call me bambina and second off all I saw it with my own eyes" maya let me explain" carina said with a desperate tone " no I don't want hear it we are over" maya please let me explain please" fuck you" maya said with tears down her face. Maya was so so excited to come and surprise her lover just to see that her lover was naked with an other person.

Maya stormed off and ran to her car " oh maya did you find carina" Amelia asked not seeing that maya had tears on her eyes " yeah I saw her" maya said with a trembling voice " what happened" Amelia asked " go ask your best friend" maya said and got in the car and drove home.

When maya arrived home she sat on the shower and balled her eyes out. She cried so much that she could not breath. After an hour of crying maya was numb she took a shower and made herself a protein shake. She was not hungry but she knew she can't go to sleep with nothing on her stomach.

When maya woke up she thank god that she didn't have to work today because she knows that if she goes to work she'll mess up everything and she is not ready to go to work but she knows that tomorrow she has to go so she has one day to get over the beautiful brunette.

While she was in the kitchen making herself the famous protein shake she heard a knock on the door.

" what are you doing here" maya said with the coldest tone carina had ever heard and carina knew that she broke maya's heart but now she was one thousand percent sure. " I came here to explain" carina said with the sweetest voice " bold of you to assume I would want to hear what you have to say" maya said with a straight face " I'm so so sorry maya words can not describe how sorry I am" good because words can not describe how much I resent you" maya said with the same cold voice when she opened the door. Maya did not let carina explain herself she shut the door right in Carina's face.

Maya knew she would have a very rough patch trying to get over the Italian. There would be a lot of crying and a lot of gym involved.

I'm sorry for the sad chapter but I do want to thank @ZiyaNijhuis for the idea and if you guys have ideas too please feel free to put them in the comments.

And if you guys have marina or Stefanielle recommendations please leave them in the comments because I've already read them all and I can't find new ones. And again please don't forget to vote and let me what you think

Have a nice day/night

Peace ✌️

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