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Maya is in her last year of school. Since it's their last year the teachers decided to take a trip to San Francisco. The are four classes that will come with them and one of them, has a classmate that maya hates. Her name is carina. Maya hates carina so much. Andy and Vic don't understand why, they tried to talk to maya and ask why she hates carina so much and maya's responds is always the same " I don't know I just hate her" maya says all the time.

"Come on guys" Andy said. The three girls live together. Andy's dad died of cancer and her mother is not present in her life. Vic's parents live far away but they send her money for the rent and maya's parents kicked maya out when she was thirteen.

" coming" Vic yelled and ran to the car" that's what she said" maya yelled and laughed as she walked to the car " maya you have to stop with this jokes" it's funny tho" maya said and sat on the drivers seat. They had to drive to school and than they would all take a bus to San Francisco. " come on guys stop fighting I don't want to be late" Vic said " fine" they both said

Everyone was there they still had two hours in the bus " okay people I'll start telling you guys where y'all going to sleep and with whom"

Ten minutes later and maya was still in the unknown she still didn't know with who she would share a room with Andy and Vic not because they are sharing a room together. " maya and carina" the teacher said and maya froze. Vic and Andy looked at maya and saw maya's panicked eyes. " and I don't want to hear anything about I don't want to sleep with them because blah blah blah"  that was the last thing the teacher said

" are you okay" Andy said" no" maya said and took a deep breath.

Two hours later and they arrived at the hotel. " okay guys y'all know with who y'all are going to share your room so get together and go to y'all's room and at 12 am I want everyone here so we can look for a place to eat

" looks like we're sharing a room" maya heard behind her. And like she was expecting there she was Carina Deluca. " yeah looks like it" this is going to be fun" carina said with a sarcastic smile on her face

I'm back
I do want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding and once again if you have more ideas feel free to leave them in the comments.

And part 2 will probably be out tomorrow

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