Cookies pt.2

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Maya arrived home but she didn't want to wake carina up so she took the pizza and opened the door and put the pizza on the kitchen counter and came back for carina. She took off her seatbelt and careful took carina out. Carina wrapped her arms around maya's neck. " oh you're awake" no I'm not" okay"
Maya didn't mind that carina was wrapped around her neck. I mean who would complain.

" my love do you want to change into something more comfortable" mhm" okay I'm going to get you sweatpants" okay"

Maya went in her bedroom and took one of her sweatpants and a t-shirt just in case. She went back and carina was all cuddle up to one of maya's favorite blanket. Maya's heart melted at that view.

" my love I'm sorry to wake you up but you no need to change" okay but don't take my panties" why would I take your panties" I don't know and if you did take my panties off I would have to tell my girlfriend and she wouldn't like that she would go all crazy like a bear and all red in the face" that's right I would not like it" maya whispered. Maya than proceeded to take Carina's pants off and put on one of her sweatpants.

Maya was not tired so she sat down next to carina and put on the tv. After watching tv for an hour she was bored so she decided to call Andy and Vic.

" hey guys" Vic said " what's wrong" Andy said" you guys won't believe what happened" what happened" Vic you're always prepared for some tea" of course I am I live for tea" okay so anyways, carina is high of her mind" wait what" Vic said" how did that happened" Andy asked" apparently someone made cookies with marijuana in them" that's so cool I want one" no you don't Vic" but you don't know what I want or not" yes I do" Vic do you want to be on toilet duty for the rest of the week" I hate it when you pull the captain card" one of many benefits"

They talked for an hour but Vic and Andy had to go so they hung up and maya was now alone again. Well she technically wasn't alone but carina was sleeping so.

" what can I do now" maya whispered. The only thing that maya could do was go on a run but than no one would be here with carina so that's a no. Maya than just decided to watch her girlfriend sleep. A lot of people would of thought that it's creepy but maya loved watching carina sleep. Carina looked so in peace and beautiful well carina always looks beautiful but there is just something different about sleeping carina.

" I can feel your eyes on me" oh hello" hi bambina, what happened" you don't remember" no I don't or I wouldn't have asked you" okay you woke up moody" I'm not moody" yes you are anyways, so you don't remember eating cookies and getting high" I remember cookies but not getting high" well the cookies had marijuana in them so watching you high is fun" omg what did I do" it's not more like what did you say" omg worse what did I say" well you asked some weird questions which now that I think about they make sense" what did I say" carina said frustrated " well when I went to pick you up from the hospital you asked in front of Meredith if we could have sex" omg" carina put her hands in front her face " and than you asked if we could get pizza" okay normal" not really I asked what you wanted on top of the pizza so you said you want me on top of the pizza" well high me was not wrong" but I said that would not be possible so you asked for a pizza with pepperoni on top, talking about pizza it's on the kitchen counter but it's probably cold" what else did I say" oh yeah this is funny when I came back with the pizza you were crying and I asked what's wrong and you said that you couldn't see and I said open your eyes and you said it's magic and than you asked me if I had magic powers and I said no and you were sad because you were excited to tell your friends that your girlfriend had magic powers" I'm an idiot" it's not your fault and it was amusing so win win" was that it" oh no when I said that I didn't have magic powers you were upset and I said that I'm dealing with a one year old and than you asked me if I cheated on you again which made me sad but you know I deserve it" I'm sorry bambina" why are you apologizing nothing was your fault" still" anyways and the best part of the day" what that wasn't enough" oh you are not prepared for what's coming" stop scaring me what did I say" when we got in the car you asked me if I knew how mosquitoes have sex" omg this is so embarrassing" I don't think so I just find it funny anyways than I said that I don't know and you should probably know since you are the sex doctor and you said I'm doctor of human sex not animal sex" carina bursted out laughing and maya joined in remembering what happened " and than I said that they probably have sex like cats and dogs and you said that they probably have doggy style sex" okay that is actually funny" carina said while laughing " and than you said for cats catty style" omg" carina said laughing " well that was all" I'm glad I didn't do anything stupid" well I would have love to" of course you would" well now I'm getting tired, I'm going to take a shower do you wanna come with me" of course I will" well I'll be waiting" I'll be right behind you"

Maya ran off and carina stayed and asked herself
" how do mosquitoes have sex tho"
Here is part 2
I hope y'all liked it
Pls vote and I hope everyone had/has a nice day

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