A surprise

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Carina had 48h shift she was tired she just wanted to go bed and cuddle with her wife. Maya on the other hand had a pretty chill shift. Maya knew carina had a 48h shift so she wanted to surprise her wife.

When maya got home she cleaned the whole apartment and decorated their room. Since maya can't really cook she ordered sushi. Maya had a black robe and underneath Maya had a black see through set. That was Carina's favorite set.

Maya looked at her Apple Watch and saw that her wife should be here any minute. That's when she heard the door open.

" hi bambina" hello my love" it smells good in here" yeah I ordered sushi I hope you like it" it's perfect, you look beautiful" thank you" maya closed the gap between them and kissed her wife softly. She than backed away but carina wasn't haven't it. She closed the gap again and kissed her wife more passionately. Carina started to wander with her hands and she cut loose of mayas's robe. Just when the robe was about to fall maya closed the robe again and said" the food will get cold" fuck the food, I'll eat you instead" as much as I would love to for you to eat me out I'm really hungry, that doesn't mean you won't get it later" maya whispered " you're really mean" I'm not" yes you are"

They talked about their day but carina didn't tell Maya that she had lost a patient because she didn't want to cry. She had already cried enough.
Maya was cleaning the kitchen and carina was just looking at her wife with a smile on her face.
" I can feel you staring at me" I got no shame on it you look beautiful" you are such a flirt" Maya had finished cleaning the kitchen and carina took the opportunity to kiss her wife again. Maya was against the kitchen counter and she had her hands around Carina's neck. " I love you" maya whispered against carina's lips " I love you too" carina whispered against maya's lips. Carina wanted more she was teased enough. Carina started to kiss maya more passionately and she cut loose of maya's robe.
"Come with me" oh I will" you're unbelievable" you love me" that I do"

Maya took Carina's hand and took her to their room. When maya opened the door carina had her mouth open. The room smelled like vanilla and on top of the bed there was a heart shaped with red roses.
" what's this" carina whispered " I'm wanted to surprise you because I know you had a hard 48 hour shift" you're perfect" oh stop it" I'm telling you the truth, thank you" no need to thank me when I married you I said I would take care of you and that's what I'm doing"

Carina kissed Maya passionately and this time maya let her take out her robe. When the robe fell down on the floor Carina's jaw dropped. I didn't matter how many times carina had seen maya in lingerie. Maya always looked beautiful.

Maya kissed carina passionately and started to take Carina's clothes. Carina was just in her underwear.
" tonight is about you" maya whispered " mhm" carina moaned. Maya started kissing Carina's neck with her mouth open " baby" carina moaned " yes" I need you" you need me to what"
Maya started to get down a bit she kissed Carina's boobs through her bra and carina arched her back and maya took the opportunity to take Carina's bra. The moment carina had no bra maya was in heaven. She immediately started sucking her right boob and she played with the left boob " mhm bambina, it feels so good" maya than switched and sucked carina's left boob and played with the right. Maya was wet just by pleasuring her woman she was wet.
" mhm bambina I need you" need me to what" to fuck me" suddenly maya had no air. " fuck" maya moaned. Maya waisted no time and took carinas panties. She started licking her clit and massaged Carina's right boob. " mhm maya" what" maya said against Carina's clit which send vibrations through Carina's body" bambina, I'm close" already" shu- ahh" maya put two fingers in while sucking Carina's clit." Maya I'm" not yet my love" maya said " I can't hold it anymore" yes you can and you will" maya started to suck faster and went in and out with her fingers. The stimulation was getting to much for carina and maya knew that because she could feel carina's walls getting tighter. " cum for me my love" MAYA" maya helped carina trough her high after two minutes carina calmed down " I'm going to take my fingers out my love" maya warned and took her fingers "mhm" carina moaned
maya was looking at carina like she was the only woman in the whole world which for maya carina was. "Come here" carina said with open arms " ohh I like it cuddling with you naked" maya said
Maya than put herself on top of carina and put her head on Carina's neck. " I love you" maya said In Carina's neck" I love you too bambina"
And that's how they fell asleep cuddling each other
I hope y'all like it I never really wrote smut so I hope you like it

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