It's okay pt.2

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After two months of that conversation they both had maya went to work much relieved. She hadn't open up to carina in that way before but she was glad she did. She thought that jack and Andy would stop being assholes after a week or so but she was so wrong.

Maya had ordered jack to go in and save Travis because he had lost oxygen and didn't have more on his tank. So jack did what he was told and when he came out he was angry. He had a very bad scar on his face because a glass hit him and when he came out he said to the captain " now I wish lane was here, he would teach you some manners" and that triggered something very deep in maya. She came home and was very sad and angry. She ignored her girlfriend and her eyes forward at all times was back. Carina noticed the change in maya she became very scared. She became scared because she thought she lost her soft and caring girlfriend.

Once again maya came home ignored her girlfriend and went straight to the bathroom. Carina was fed up with it. This had been going on for two weeks now .

" maya" once again she was ignored " maya bishop you have two seconds to answer me, I'm getting fed up with this" what do you want" okay first of all you have no right to be mad at me and second who do you think you're talking to and third what's going on. You ignore me and it's making me feel really sad" nothings going on" maya said quietly. Carina touched a sweet point in maya. When maya heard that she was making carina sad she felt bad.

" what's going on my love talk to me" maya couldn't even answer all the weight she carried around finely broke down. " I'm so sorry carina" why are you sorry" carina held maya's hand and guided them to bed. Carina laid down and held her arms open for Maya. Maya was hesitant she didn't know if she deserved the comfort carina was giving.

" come here bambina" maya obliged and laid on top of carina " why are you ignoring me maya" a few months ago we had a fire nothing new so I told them what to do and something went wrong and Travis was stuck in there with no oxygen in his tank so I told jack to go save him and when jack came back with Travis jack had a scar on his face from a glass that hit him and when he came out he told me if lane was here he would teach me some manners" Maya sighed

To say that carina was angry would be an understatement. " I'm going to cut his little dick of and make him drink it". Maya had never seen carina that angry. If they were cartoon characters carina would have fire out of her hears.

" carina calm down it's okay" fuck no it's not okay who does he think he is that he can say the things he says without consequences" oh no he had consequences he was on toilet duty for two weeks" that's nothing"it's okay" Il figlio di puttana ucciderò quel ragazzo" uhm I don't know what you said but it doesn't sound good" do you work tomorrow" no again orders from the chief why I have no idea" good" why" nothing I just wanted to spend time with you" uhm okay" and how is Andy treating you" she just ignores my orders and calls me names" tomorrow is there just shift b" I don't really know who's going to be there" why" the chief just gave me the day off and didn't say who would be there in case I need something" that's strange" I thought that too, anyway I'm tired" than go to sleep" and you?" What about me" will you go to sleep" I will once you're asleep" okay" maya said and closed her eyes. Five minutes later carina could hear little snores coming from the blond firefighter.

Carina didn't do what she said she would instead she stayed almost all night awake trying to process what maya just told her. She knew she would go to the station she just needed the perfect excuse.

One thing was clear. Carina would put everyone in their place.
Hey guys
I used google translate so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.
I hope y'all like it even tho their shorts. I have a lot to do with school so I apologize but I'll try my best to update as soon as I can. Please vote it shows me that y'all like it it's like a thumbs up on YouTube
I hope y'all have an amazing day/night

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