Baby Boom

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(I changed the story a bit)

Today was the day. Today was the day that Ryan would be born. Carina was nine months pregnant and she was ready to have the baby. Maya helped carina through the nine moths even though she sometimes felt scared of her wife. The hormones scared maya a bit well let's not lie it scared her a lot but they both went through it and they are both okay.

" okay carina when I tell you to push, push" Addison said " yeah I know how it works" carina said

While both friends were having a conversation maya was in her own little world. She was having a flashback to when a baby was at the station and she was the only there. The horrified look on maya's face was funny.

" maya" carina yelled " uhm what are you okay" maya asked worried " help me" what do you need" maya said " kiss me" carina said " kiss y-" maya was interrupted by Addison " if I were you I would do what she's saying" Addison said " okay" maya obligated and kissed her wife.

Two hours later maya had her son in her arms. Carina was sleeping. Maya could not be happier. She had her beautiful wife with her and her new borne son. Maya felt like she had accomplished everything in life.

It was a bit weird thinking about the fact the maya was a mom now. The day the baby showed up at the station maya looked at the baby like it was an alien. It a very weird setting thinking about it now.

" what are you dreaming about" carina asked with a sleepy voice " I'm having a flashback to when a baby showed up at the station" maya said " you never told me that before" carina said " well a baby was brought to the station and I had to take of it and I was speaking to the baby like the baby would answer me. Now thinking back I looked at the baby like it was an alien" maya laughed " well look how much you've grown" carina said with a proud smile " I guess so" maya said and gave carina her son back.

Maya still can't process the fact the she is a mother now. She had always been bad with kids. She never had the patience for kids and their little jokes because she was always focused with work but now she loves the fact that she's a mom.

Thank you so much to @samarpit_nasa for the idea and I hope you all liked it. I'm sorry though for the short chapter but I do hope you enjoyed it anyway.

If you have any ideas yourself feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll try my best to do something with it.

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