Like father like daughter

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*two years ago*

"I'm afraid I'm going to snap at carina like my dad did and I'm afraid that for some reason carina will find a better person who doesn't have all this baggage" maya said " maya you are very different from your dad and I think that you realizing that you don't want to be like your dad is the first step" Andy said " I guess so" maya said and finished what she was doing

* present*

Maya had been at the station for four days straight she didn't go home she didn't call her wife she didn't communicate which is something she learned with carina. Today tho she had to go home. Everyone at station knew that something was wrong with maya but like always they didn't do anything about it.

Maya got in her car and drove home. For some reason maya had this angry growing inside of her. She felt like she would explode with all of this angry.

" hello bambina" carina said with a sweet smile " hi" maya said. Carina could feel that something was wrong she just didn't know what.

" what's wrong maya" nothing" you sure" carina said with a worried voice " yes for fuck sakes I'm fine" Maya snapped at carina. Carina suddenly knew what's wrong. Carina always had this little fear that maya would turn like her father. As much as carina told herself that maya is different and maya wouldn't do anything to hurt carina. Expect that one time but carina had already forgiven her so it was all good.

" okay maya no need to snap at me like that" yeah well it looks like I need to yell for you to understand something" maya yelled " maya stop yelling" carina said " fuck off bitch"

Carina was to stunned to speak. Never in her life would she have thought that maya would say things like that. Carina had her eyes full with tears but she didn't let them out.

Carina ignored what maya said and went to their room and maya went to the kitchen to eat something. While maya was eating carina was crying on the bed. After twenty minutes carina decided to go downstairs and see what maya was doing.

Maya was watching tv while eating her food. Carina was that kind of person who would eat while watching tv while maya was totally against it.

" I thought you were against eating while watching tv" yeah I am but I can do whatever I want and I want to eat in front of the tv" maya said with a slightly angry tone " okay" carina didn't have the energy to deal with whatever maya had going on at the moment decided to make herself some food and go eat it next to the tv

" what are you doing" maya said with an angry tone " uhm eating" you can't eat here" why" carina said with a confused tone " because I said so" maya yelled at carina. Carina was having enough of this.

" maya stop acting like your father just stop it" carina yelled but had a trembling voice at the end. Something happened inside mayas head. Carina carefully watched maya.

" maya are you okay" I'm so so so sorry" maya said while sobbing. Carina went slowly closer to maya and held her

" I'm so sorry" maya said and separated herself from carina. Carina wanted to hold maya but maya thought that she didn't deserve to be hold so she would go away from carina.

" bambina come here" no" maya yelled. The moment maya realized she had yelled again she apologized again " I'm so sorry I don't know what's going on" we will figure it out now come here" no" maya whispered. It was the first time maya had spoken so quietly in four days. At the station she either yelled or didn't speak at all but carina didn't know that.

" why don't you come here" I don't deserve it" maya said. It broke Carina's heart seeing maya like that. Maya looked like a beating up puppy " maya just because you did awful things doesn't mean you don't deserve comfort please stop being so hard on yourself" but" maya said " no buts come here" carina said with open arms.

Maya took small steps it was like maya didn't trust herself which is understandable.
" come here bambina" carina said with a sweet tone
Maya took the final step and hugged carina like there is no tomorrow it was like if maya would let go carina would disappear.

Carina wanted to take maya's hand to take them to their bedroom but carina couldn't move because maya had clung on to carina

" bambina let's go to the bedroom" no you will disappear" maya said and hugged carina tighter
" bambina I promise I won't go away" don't promise something you don't know if you can keep" but I know I can keep it" you don't know that" okay but let's go to the bedroom" but I don't want you to leave me" maya said with a trembling voice" I won't" carina said sincerely " okay" maya said

Carina took maya's hand and guided them to their bedroom. Carina got up on the bed and maya put herself on top of carina. " what happened bambina that you were so angry" I don't know" you don't know or you don't want to talk about it" no I'm being honest I don't know" bambina I'm going to be honest with you" okay" I'm was very scarred" I'm so sorry, I told Andy I would become like him" bambina you can stop it and you aren't like him you have treats like him" I'm so sorry" maya said while crying. Maya clung on to carina and put her head on Carina's neck.

They were quiet for ten minutes but carina decided to speak " bambina what do you say about going to therapy" no" maya said against Carina's neck" why not" because I don't feel comfortable talking about my feelings with a stranger" how about we find a therapist you find a good connection with and try because you need it bambina" but" bambina just try if you than want to end it than you end it" okay" maya said

Carina looked at maya and carina could feel that maya was overthinking a lot. Maya had on her head that she doesn't deserve anyone that the world would be a better place and carina would be happier if carina had met an other person.

" bambina stop overthinking, I'm here I'm not going anywhere" but you should" why should I" because you deserve someone better" bambina you are enough I'm very happy with you fuck that I'm the happiest I've ever been and you are my home" but" no bambina you are good enough and you are nothing like him" do you think it's true the saying like father like daughter" maya asked " no I don't think it's true" why" because at the end of the day you are your own person, you can have aspects or treats of you parents but you are never going to be like them" that makes sense" that's why I'm telling you that you are not like you father" but" no repeat after me I am not like my father" I don't want to say that" bambina" carina said while raising her eyebrows " fine I am not like my father" good now let's go to sleep and we will talk more about this tomorrow" okay"

Maya waited until carina fell asleep and said " I'm so sorry my love that I hurt you and that I made you scared I'll try my best to be a better person for you and for myself goodnight love" maya finished what she said and kissed carina's cheek and fell asleep

I hope y'all liked it and special thank you to @ZiyaNijhuis who gave me this idea

I hope y'all have a great day/night

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