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Carina had been pregnant for almost 9 months. Maya had been a very supportive wife. One day carina woke maya up at 3am and asked for a pizza with pineapple. Even tho maya is not Italian she got offended. After carina judged everyone who ate pizza with pineapple maya started doing the same.

"Baby wake up" maya was still asleep " BABY " I'm up I'm up" maya said " I want pizza with pineapple" you want what?" Maya said" pizza with pineapple" but you hate pizza with pineapple" but I want one now" but you're Italian" well than fuck the Italian I want pizza with pineapple" okay okay"

Maya started to get dressed. Maya took her wallet and phone and before she left she said " if you need me call" ofc I'll could who do you think I call my dad" oh uhm i-i see you later" maya was not expecting that answer. Maya got in the car and stared driving to nearest pizzeria. Unfortunately they were closed so Maya drove to the next and they were also closed. It was to be expected it's 3am. Maya than went to google and googled " the nearest pizzeria open" the nearest was a 30 min drive. Here we go again. Maya said to herself.

While maya was driving maya was thinking about her wife more importantly the boy inside her lovely wife. Maya had never in her life thought she would have a kid. Hell she never thought she would have a girlfriend but look at her now.
" my mom would be proud of me" maya said with an sad smile.

Maya had recently lost her mother even tho she didn't really have a good relationship with her mother they were getting close in the past few months. Her mother had filed for divorce and she was a free woman. Unfortunately 3 months ago maya lost her mother to a car accident. A drunk driver. Of course.

When maya got the call she was sad. She didn't open up to carina because she didn't want to upset her wife so she held the information close to her heart. But like always carina knew something was wrong. When carina found what happened carina tried her best to comfort her wife but maya wouldn't let carina because maya was afraid something would happen to the baby. Still at this moment maya wouldn't let carina comfort her.

Maya was brought out of her thoughts when she saw that she was close. She got in and ordered a pineapple pizza. She paid and left. She now had a 30 min car ride back.

While maya was driving she received a call from carina " my water broke" carina said calmly " Omg okay don't panic I'm right over the corner I'll be there don't panic" you do know that I'm not panicking right?" right yes I'm sorry " no need to be sorry just come get me "

Maya speeded through the streets. She opened the door and carina had everything ready. They rushed to the hospital.

"Push" uhhhhh" you got it my love" one last push" uhhhhhh" after that push they heard a baby crying. Maya had a tear rolling down her cheek and carina was crying.

" do you guys have a name" Ryan Deluca-Bishop" beautiful" thank you"

Ryan was now sleeping next to them. Maya remembered she bought a pizza with pineapple she was hungry.

" baby I have pizza" why do you have pizza" you don't remember it" nope" you told me to get pizza with pineapple" no I didn't" yes you did" I hate pizza with pineapple" I know that's why I was shocked when you asked for it" what did you say?" I said you hate pizza with pineapple" and my answer was?" Your answer is that fuck that I want pizza with pineapple" well now I say fuck that I don't want pizza with pineapple" you're weird but I love you" did you have a baby inside of you" no" than shut up" okay"

Carina was laid down on the hospital bed. Maya stood there and looked at her wife. Maya had the thought she had while she was driving to get her wife the pizza.

" what are you thinking" I'm just thinking that my mom would be proud of me" bambina" carina said sadly" I just hope she is proud" bambina I'm sure she is" carina said " come here my love" carina said" but" maya said" no you don't have an excuse now the baby is out of me, come here" but I don't want to hurt you" bambina you helped me with the death of my brother now let me help you with the death of you're mother" okay"

Maya cuddled into her wife and held her tight. It was like if maya would let go carina would disappear. And that's how the Deluca-Bishop's slept.

Baby Ryan sleep in his little bed and maya and carina cuddling.
I hope y'all liked it I didn't really have time to do much but I wanted y'all to have a new one shot cuz y'all deserve it. I wanna say thank you so much for more than 300 reads and all the votes. I appreciate every one of you.
I hope y'all have an amazing day/night

Marina one shots Where stories live. Discover now