Divorce papers

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⚠️ suicidal thoughts⚠️

Read at your own risk

Carina was thinking about divorcing maya but carina just hadn't the guts to do it. She would always remember the good times all the good memories but when carina woke up this morning and she told maya that she wasn't pregnant. Maya flipped out saying that they were supposed to take the pregnancy test together and that was the last straw. When maya went to work carina called her lawyer and asked for divorce papers. Her lawyer said that he would send them by email. When carina got the email she printed the divorce papers.

Maya was exhausted, she was tired of living. She just wanted to lay inside of the clouds and sleep. She always hears voices in her head those voices being lane's voice. For a while maya was okay she had the voice inside her head but she ignored it but now, it has the power over her. Maya had already tried suicide but she failed which she hated because her head would say you can't even kill yourself what are you even worth.

When maya went to work she had a bad shift. Becket was being an asshole no surprise there but they went on a call and Andy was acting as captain and Andy pulled maya aside because she knew her best friend like the back of her hand and Andy knew that maya wasn't okay so she pulled maya aside and when they went back to the station maya felt embarrassed and like always maya deals with her problem by running away from them so she went on the treadmill and started to run like there is no tomorrow. With an exhausted body she could not take it and she fell of the treadmill and hit her head pretty hard.
They had an other call but maya didn't go because she was unconscious on the floor and Andy was worried because maya never missed a call.

Carina was close to the station. Carina was ready to give maya the divorce papers. When carina went in she called her wife's name soon ex-wife to be but she did not get a response so she thought she is probably on a call so she went to the gym knowing that when maya comes back she will probably be at the gym but when she came close to the gym she saw a figure on the floor so she ran and when she saw maya on the floor she started immediately sobbing.

" bambina wake up" carina said sobbing when carina saw blood she immediately called the greys
Five minutes later they were there and took maya with them. Carina went with them. Carina was so worried that she even forgot why she went to the station in the first place. With all the stress she forgot the papers on the gym floor.

*two weeks later"

Maya was okay physically but mentally the same. When maya went into work she received a lot of hugs and sorry from her colleagues.

" maya come her please" Andy said " what's up" uhm the day you passed out carina left some papers for you I put them in your bunk" oh okay thanks"

With curiosity maya went to her bunk and saw the papers that Andy was talking about. When maya opened the papers her heart dropped. She started sobbing so loud that Andy and Vic came running to see what's going on

" what wrong" Andy said worried maya didn't answer just sobbed harder. Andy looked at maya's hands and picked up the papers. When Andy looked at the papers she felt very sad for her friend. Andy saw the difference carina made in maya. Andy knew that maya was going through a rough patch at the moment. Andy laid down on maya's bunk

" come here maya" Andy said with a sad smile on her face. Maya was never the kinda person to like being comforted but right now that was all she needed. Maya got on top of Andy and sobbed. Andy just held her best friend. Eventually maya fell asleep and Andy didn't want to wake maya up so she stayed there.

Sun shined through the blinds. Maya woke up and she had a very bad headache she felt like she had drunk the night before, she felt hangover. Maya looked at the papers but she didn't cry. Maya was numb she just picked up the papers put in her nightstand and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. When maya was finished Andy had woken up

" how are you" Andy asked with a gentle smile " I'm fine" maya said and picked up the papers and walked out. Andy knew she wasn't okay but she didn't want to punch her. Maya went to becket's office and asked for the day off which never happened
" you okay bishop" never been better" maya said with a sarcastic tone and walked out. Since maya didn't come home carina was very worried because normally maya warns carina saying that she will sleep at the station but maya didn't.

Maya had been in front of her own door for five minutes. Maya was in denial which is a very common thing for her. Eventually maya opened the door and carina came running and hugged maya in which maya rejected and said " get the fuck off of me" what's wrong bambina" don't fucking call me that anymore" maya what's wrong" what the fuck is this" maya said holding the divorce papers in here hand. When carina saw that maya had the divorce papers on her hands her heart dropped.

" care to explain" maya said with an angry tone " uhm I don't know how to explain uhm" move out" what" move out" maya are you serious" no I'm playing" maya said with a sarcastic tone but also angry" maya I asked for the divorce papers the day you passed out" wow that makes me feel one hundred times better" maya what do you expect you ignored me and you just cared about yourself" oh wow that makes me feel better" I regret asking for them" oh so you had to see me literally in a life or death situation" I regret it" you have two days to move out and I'll bring the signed papers tomorrow" maya said with an angry tone and left

Maya went back to the station and tried to sleep but she couldn't, her head was getting to loud so she decided to go to the bar. Maya had never drank so much in her entire life. It was a miracle that maya didn't pass out on the middle of the street on her way back to the station.

When maya went back to the station Vic and Andy were very worried they had never seen their friend in that kinda state.

" hey maya can you hear me" Vic said " I'm drunk not deaf you bitch" okay let's go to bed" Andy said
Out of nowhere maya started to cry. Andy and Vic felt bad for their friend.
" okay maya let's go to bed" I love her so much" Maya said through the tears " we know maya but sometimes you have to let go" but I don't wanna let go" maya we will talk tomorrow"

Maya woke up and she doesn't remember a thing that happened yesterday which is great for her. Maya walks into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and picks up the papers and starts filling them. In the middle of paperwork maya was crying but she didn't notice, she just noticed that she was crying when she saw that a tear feel on the paper. She immediately wiped her tears and continued. When she finished she went to her house and saw that carina was still there. She opened the door and carina was already looking at the door. Maya could see that carina had been crying because carina had very puffy eyes and very red.

" the divorce papers are signed" maya said and was about to walk away but she stopped when she hear carina say" I'm so so sorry bambina I love you so much. I love you with my entire body and I'm sorry that I couldn't fix our problem and I'm sorry that the only solution I thought of was to get divorce papers I'm so so sorry bambina" carina said sobbing " please stop crying" maya whispered and took a few steps closer to carina " I wish you everything works out well for you" maya said and walked away as fast as she could because she could also feel the tears about to come out

Carina looked trough the divorce papers and saw that one page was slightly folded so carina went to that page and saw that in the corner of the page there was a bit of a wet circle. It took a while for carina to realize that it was a tear and when she did realize that it was a tear she broke down again.

" I'm so sorry bambina I love you so much" carina yelled through her tears.

Merry Christmas everyone I know it's tomorrow but I won't post tomorrow so
I almost cried writing this so I hope you guys liked it and once again a big thank you to @ZiyaNijhuis for giving me this idea and thank you so much to everyone who votes

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