Fan fiction

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"Babe what do you want to do in this live" Stefania asked" I don't really know but I'll figure it out soon" Danielle said " well when you get an idea let me know" Stefania said and wanted to walk out but Danielle grabbed Stefania's hips " where are you going" I was going to the bathroom" but I want a kiss" Danielle said " you're so cute" Stefania said and gave Danielle a kiss and went to the bathroom

" baby what do you think if I ask the fans what they want us to do in our live" that's a good idea" Stefania said and that's Danielle did. Danielle took selfie and wrote " what do you guys want me and Stefania to do in this live" and posted it

" now we just got to wait" Danielle said " mhm" Stefania said and put herself on top of Danielle. Automatically Danielle started playing with Stefania's hair " you smell good" Stefania said " thank you love you smell good as well" how long will we wait for the answers" Stefania while put her head in Danielle's neck " I don't know 15 min" okay" Stefania said" why" Danielle asked " I wanted to know if I had time to make out with you" Stefania said with a flirty smile " oh you do" Danielle said while getting closer to Stefania " mhm" Stefania hummed and closed the gap between them. Danielle put her hands on Stefania's ass and Stefania put her hands on Danielle's neck. They were kissing passionately and they were staring to get more handsy " baby we got to stop" Danielle said against Stefania's lips " why" because we have to do a live soon" fine but we will continue this" fine by me" Danielle said

" baby can you see what people said while I will get us some drinks for the live" Danielle asked " of course" Stefania said and put the password in and read a few ideas from the fans.

" Bella what is Wattpad" I don't know go google it" okay" baby it says here that it's an app where you can read stories and write them"ohh do fans want us to read some stories about carina and maya" Danielle asked" probably" okay let's do that"

Danielle took the phone out of Stefania's hands and gave her a kiss and went to AppStore to download the app. " babe the drink are in the kitchen if you want them now" thank you Bella" Stefania said and jumped of the sofa and went to the kitchen running " Stefania don't run" why not" the drink will not go away and you can hurt yourself" ehh" Stefania said with a big smile on her face

" Baby we're going to start the live in five minutes" Stefania said"okay let me just go grab a hoodie cuz I'm cold" Danielle said and ran to their room " Danielle don't run" Stefania said with a sarcastic voice " hahaha you're so funny babe you should be comedian" Danielle said with a sarcastic tone " I know right" okay let's start this live" Danielle said and took the phone and went on Instagram and pressed the live button

"Hi guys" Danielle said. Danielle was waiting for more people to join the live and while waiting she was answering a few questions

"Okay today as you guys requested we are going to read some stories from an app called Wattpad" me and Danielle didn't know what it was so we had to google it" true" okay guys which stories should we read" okay I see a lot of people saying the assistant by endlessuniverses" let's go read that Bella"

Danielle searched the book and when it came she said " ohh I like the cover" Danielle said " of course you like it it's your favorite maya and carina kiss"duhh" Danielle said

Danielle started to read the first few lines

Oh God! Don't stop, don't stop!"

"My name is Stefania, or did you forget that?"

" I thought this was about maya and carina" Danielle said with a red face " me too" Stefania said but had a smile on her face
Danielle decided to distract herself by reading the comments. It was hard enough not kissing Stefania but now that she is reading this it's harder. The fans still don't know that they are dating.

Omg she is blushing so hard

That is just the beginning

I like how different they both are Danielle is blushing and Stefania is smiling

The comments were not helping since the fans could also see that Danielle was blushing
" you are really red Bella" yeah it's very hot in here it's hot isn't it?" Danielle rambled " take your horrid off" good idea"

Danielle took her hoddie off and was now in a t-shirt " should we read more Bella" Stefania asked with a smile on her face" uhm sure"

Stefania decided to read this time

Danielle Savre pushed her head into the pillows as she felt her third orgasm of the night crash into her, hands gripping the white sheets, back arching high off of the mattress and breathless moans escaping her rosy lips. Stefania Spampinato paused the movements of her fingers but slowly dragged her tongue through the blonde's drenched folds, Danielle's hips jerking as she brushed over her sensitive clit.

"It's very hot in here" Danielle said while make wind with her t-shirt " Bella you are in a t-shirt" shut up" Danielle said " well it think it's time to wrap this up it's been almost an hour and I got drive Stefania home" yeah thank you guys for hang out with us today" Stefania said" bye guys"

"Bella you are very obvious" what do you expect me to do like I thought I was going to read a story about something cute and innocent that someone wrote about carina and maya and not me and you making each other cum and that on the first chapter" Danielle rambled" Bella take a deep breath and slow down" sorry" Danielle said with an embarrassed face " it's okay angel" Stefania said and grabbed Danielle's hips and gave her a sweet kiss " I think that we should continue something we left behind" Stefania said " did that story make you horny" mhm" Stefania said and closed the gap between them
" let's take this to the bedroom" Danielle said and took Stefania's hand
I hope y'all liked it and a special thank you to @ava2206 who gave me this idea. If you guys have more ideas please leave them in the comments. And please vote it shows me that y'all like it.

I hope y'all have a great day/night

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