Young love pt.2

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A/n I changed the story a bit


" Herrera, Gibson go" yes captain"

Maya is captain of station 19. She worked very hard to get where she is.
" okay everyone good job go take a shower and get some rest" Maya had a 24h shift to say that she was tired is an understatement. Maya looked at her Apple Watch and saw that she still had 4 hours of the shift left. She had already taken a shower so she decided to start with paper work. She sat on her chair and started working.

" alright everyone I will see you all Monday, don't do anything stupid" yes captain"
Maya than walked to joe's bar. She was tired but still wanted a drink. " hey joe" hey maya, you look tired" yeah I just finished a 24h shift" makes sense, what do you want" whiskey" coming right up"

Maya was to much in her head that she didn't notice that someone was near her. " white wine please". Maya knew that voice from somewhere so she looked up and she couldn't believe her eyes.

Carina had a very hard shift so she decided to go the bar. " white wine please" carina said and she looked at the woman next to her. She looked very familiar but she couldn't put a finger on it
" you look familiar" carina said " I drink here a lot" uhm no" that's when carina knew. That's her protector
" hi rina" all carina could do was ball her eyes out and maya just held her. They both had a déjà vu from then they were younger.
" I missed you so much maya you have no idea" I missed you to rina so much" can I have your number and we can meet up" yes of course give me your phone"

Maya took carina's phone and register it as your protector ❤️ and gave her, her phone back.
" where do you live" carina asked" a few blocks away and you" same" well I'm very tired I just finished a 24h shift and I feel like I'm might fall asleep right here so I'm going home and I will call you so that we can meet up, do you need a ride home" no thank you my car is outside" carina responded " okay than I will see you soon"

Maya went to sleep or she tried but all she could think about was carina. Maya couldn't put a finger on it. Maya just said to herself it must be because we haven't seen each other in a long time.

The same problem was happening with carina. She couldn't get maya out of her head as much as she tried to she couldn't eventually her mind gave up and she feel asleep.

" hey maya" hey carina" so what do you say we get breakfast at a shop I know and we can have a chat" I would love to just give me the address and the time and I'll be there" *fake address* and in 2 hours" okay I'll see you in a bit"

Carina was freaking out because she didn't know what she was going to wear. Her closet looked like two wild animals had a fight in there.
" carina get a grip it's not a date you are just going to see your childhood best friend it's no big deal"
After looking at her options she decided to wear something simple. Some blue jeans with a white shirt and a black blazer. She picked up her wallet and her phone and her keys and she was out of the house.

Maya was already there. She was paranoid that she would be late so she decided to come thirty minutes earlier. She was nervous but she didn't know why.

The door opened and there she was carina. She looked extremely beautiful with her long hair and her beautiful outfit but most importantly her beautiful brown eyes.

" hi bambina" hi carina" how are you doing, did you sleep well" not really but I'm okay" why didn't you sleep well" all I could think about was you" maya admitted. Maya was blushing like crazy and carina saw that and she was loving it.
" I'm sorry" not your fault" it is tho if I was all you could think about I'm guilty" true"
They sat in a comfortable silence just like when they were kids. That was until the waiter came and asked what they wanted.
" black coffee with a sandwich please" and for me an expresso and a sandwich too please" is that all" the waiter asked " yes" they both responded

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