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Carina and maya have taken four days off because carina has been struggling with her mental health and maya decided she would take the days off to stay and help her wife.

For the past week they have been low on groceries and since it's carina that always did the grocery shopping it's very low. Carina does not have the energy to go out and maya is a disaster at shopping so Maya called Vic and asked if she could get them groceries which Vic replied with of course.

Maya had cleaned the house yesterday and was now just enjoying her stay in bed with her beautiful wife. It doesn't happen often that the Deluca- Bishop are together in bed early in the morning so when they both are together they enjoy it as much as they can.

" hello beautiful" were you watching me" carina asked with a morning voice " mhm" maya replied and gave carina a little peck. " how are you feeling" maya asked " like shit" carina answered " you want to stay in bed all day" maya asked " I don't know" oh before I forget to tell you vic is grocery shopping for us" that's very nice of her" yeah she is a very nice woman"

They both stopped talking and just cuddle each other they both had missed each other so much but they didn't have a lot of time together recently. Maya was being the big spoon which is very unusual for the married couple since carina is always the big spoon. After ten minutes maya started caressing Carina's body. She first started by her face and then went down her neck than to her shoulders and than to her stomach and than she stopped.

" what are you doing" carina asked suspicions " nothing" maya responded " do you know when Vic is coming over with the groceries" no I don't" maya said "

Maya started caressing carina once again. Carina noticed the maya was horny but she didn't say anything. " bambina what are you doing" I'm just caressing you" are you horny" carina asked " a bit" oh you are" carina said with smirk on her face.

Maya who was the big spoon was now underneath carina. " fuck" Maya whispered " I didn't even do anything " I'm a lot hornier then I thought" maya said and switched positions so now carina was underneath maya. This is a very unusual position since carina is usually the top but carina knows that when maya is on top she is about the get mind fucked quite literally.

They both closed the gap and kissed passionately and immediately maya took carina shirt off. She started kissing on her neck than between Carina's breast and back to the neck. Maya slowly kissed downwards until she arrived at carinas vagina. Maya took carina's pants and started kissing her thighs and her neck again. " bambina stop teasing" carina whined " but than there's no fun" maya said with a smirk on her face and took Carina's bra off and immediately sucked on carinas breasts.

They both were so occupied with each other that they didn't notice that someone had come in inside their house. Vic didn't hear anything so she called maya phone but maya phone was on airplane mode. Since maya didn't respond vic decided to go check their room but Vic didn't know which was a very big mistake.

" omg" Vic yelled and closed her eyes. Maya's immediate reaction was to cover her wife " I didn't see anything I swear to god" Vic said. Maya and carina looked at each other and started to laugh " what's so funny I almost saw my boss's girlfriend naked and the boss's girlfriend happens to be my dear friend" Vic complained but still with her eyes closed " Vic it's okay I wouldn't mind and you can open your eyes I'm clothed now" oh thank goodness" Vic said and wiped a fake tear of sweat off her forehead " how come you entered our home" carina asked " I forgot to tell you that I gave Vic my key in case we needed something" maya said with red cheeks " oh my bambina is embarrassed" carina said and made maya more embarrassed " I'll leave you two dogs to your business now" Vic said and left the house " where were we" carina said

I really hope y'all liked it and please don't forget to vote so that I can see that y'all enjoyed it and want more also a big thank you to @ZiyaNijhuis for giving me the idea.  Are y'all excited for tomorrow or anxious I'm very anxious about tomorrow. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments

I hope y'all have a great day/ night and peace ✌️

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