I love her

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Maya and carina had a beautiful morning together. Carina cooked maya a healthy breakfast and maya sat on the chair looking at her girlfriend with a huge smile on her face. The perfect couple. One who can cook and the other one who can't cook but watches her girlfriend cook.

" why are you looking at me like that" carina asked with a smile on her face herself " you look so beautiful" maya said sincerely. Carina just had a t-shirt. It wasn't just a t-shirt tho it was maya's t-shirt. If anyone saw that they would be shocked. Maya always said that no one would ever have the right to wear that shirt but now her beautiful girlfriend is wearing that shirt and maya didn't say anything.

" what are you thinking about" carina asked " I'm thinking about how the shirt your wearing it looks familiar" maya teased " oh it does" carina said with a flirty voice. Maya grabbed Carina's hips and kissed her passionately. " mhm bambina the breakfast" fuck the breakfast" no no" why" I'm Italian it would be a crime wasting food" fine we continue this later" oh we will" carina whispered against maya's ear " see now that's not fair" what's no fair" that you are so sexy and beautiful at the same time, you know it should be a crime to look that good, I think I might have to talk to the president and make that a law" but than we will be separated" can you not be intelligent for one second" it's just logic" well don't be logic for one second" nope I love annoying you" carina said and kissed maya softly and got back to making breakfast

" bye my love" maya said and gave carina a kiss and left. Maya had to work a bit earlier than carina but they decided to wake up together since they don't have mornings together often.

" hello captain" hello Gibson" maya walks right past him after saying hello and went to her office. Right the moment she sat down they had a call.

" okay guys this looks easy but let's intimidate the oponente, Gibson and Herrera go look where the fire came from, Hughes and Montgomery go help the people who inhaled the fire" yes captain"

Maya had everything in her control but she heard an explosion inside the house where Gibson and Herrera were " Herrera do you copy" no answer " Herrera do you copy" and again no answer" Montgomery do you copy" yes captain" Hughes do you copy" yes captain" okay Montgomery and Hughes I'm going in when we get out I want everything ready to take them to the hospital" yes captain"

Maya got in the house and yelled for Gibson and Herrera but no one answered. The more maya searched the more worried she got. That's when she finally saw Gibson and Herrera.

" what happened" there was a gas leak" okay let's go out of here" maya helped Herrera and Gibson went alone. Gibson was the first one to be out and than it was Herrera but right the moment when maya wanted to go out there was an other explosion. Montgomery and Hughes helped Herrera and Gibson and let them of to go help their captain. When Montgomery and Hughes found her she had no pulse which concerned the both of them.

The rushed their captain to hospital and Herrera stayed there and made the orders since she insisted that she was fine and she could handle herself. When they arrived Dr.Bailey was on the pit

" Maya bishop, 34 years old female, was in an explosion" omg let's get her to trauma one let's go people she can't die"

Dr.Bailey stayed behind and said " go warn carina" and she ran off. Hughes and Montgomery were looking at each other and Montgomery said it would be the best if Vic would go since they are closer.

" come in" said carina through the other side " oh hey Vic what's up" so uhm carina I- I " what is it" uhm" is it maya omg" carina started crying " what happened" carina asked while crying " she was in a explosion" how is that possible she is captain" jack and Andy were both in the house so Maya had to help" where is she" I don't know I just heard Bailey"

Carina didn't even let Vic finished she ran like never before. Dr.Bailey was in front of the door where maya was being worked on.

" dr.Bailey let me in" I'm afraid that's not possible" please let me see my bambina" if I let you in there you can't do anything or say anything" yes just let me see her"

Carina was watching as they were found CPR on maya. Carina looked at the monitor and saw that maya was very unstable. She had barely any pulse. Carina could not lose maya she had already lost her brother.

*beep*beep* they could hear the monitor do the noise. They didn't see that carina was in the room. Until they were about the say time of death but carina interrupted and said " do more cpr do something do not let her die please" I'm sorry carina I did everything I could" no don't say that" Owen please"

Owen knew not argue with carina and decided to do one more time. Carina was holding maya's hand while Owen did cpr on maya.

They could see a little pulse and carina was hopeful again. " come on bambina you got this" carina whispered.

Maya took every strength she had to at least say goodbye. Maya knew it was her time. It was time go have rest in those famous clouds.

" I love you carina" maya said so quietly that only carina could hear.

*beep* beep* " no bambina you can't leave me please stay with me" time of death 5:45 pm" no" carina sobbed while holding on to maya.

" I'm so so sorry" Owen said and left. Carina was holding mayas hand while stroking her cheek.

" I love you so much Bambina"

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