The meeting pt.2

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When maya got back to work the next day she felt something different. Everyone was being nice to her and she felt a bit weird about it but she ignored it and continued her work

That was two years ago now at the very moment maya is a mother to her kid named Bruna. Maya and carina adopted a child a year ago but maya didn't tell anyone at the station. She wanted to keep it a secret for a little while.

But today she decided she would take Bruna to the station with Carina's consent of course. Carina has been worried all day because she doesn't want Bruna to be hurt but she trust maya to take care of Bruna.

" hello bambina" carina said and kissed her forehead and took her out of her bed. Maya was still sleeping which is surprising but maya has been working a lot lately. " let's go wake up mama" carina said and went to their room. Carina put Bruna on her bed and Bruna just crawled until she arrived at her mama's head. Bruna being a innocent little kid put her fingers in her mouth and put one finger inside maya's ear " ewwwwwwww" maya woke up yelling. Carina bursted out laughing and took Bruna into her arms again " I'm getting back at you" may said and pointed a finger at Bruna and carina. Maya went running to the bathroom and cleaned her ear and took a shower.

" you did good bambina" carina said and started making breakfast. Her famous French toast.
" you will be in trouble" maya said and kissed carina " oh I will" carina said with a smirk on her face " mhm" maya said and took Bruna out of Carina's arms " and you too missy" maya said and played with Bruna

That's how they spent their morning but maya had to go to work.

" okay Bruna are you prepared to be the youngest firefighter" maya asked with a smile. Maya opened the door with Bruna in her arms. Vic and Travis were at the desk and when they saw maya coming in with a little girl in her arms they went nuts " maya did you kidnap her" Travis whispered like Bruna would understand what he was saying " don't be silly Travis that's my kid" maya said, Andy who came in when maya said that the little girl was her daughter spit out her cornflakes " she's your what" Vic said" that's my kid" maya said " maya give the kid back to their parents" Andy said " guys I'm being serious" maya said seriously " oh wait so you didn't kidnap the poor kid" Travis said " no that's my daughter" maya said " guys maya has a kid" Andy yelled

The whole station came running to see maya's kid. Jack was shocked. " maya did you stole a kid" jack said " what no why does everyone think I stole a kid" maya said " uhm last time you had a kid in your hands" Vic said " yeah well we can forget about that" maya said and the conversation was interrupted by maya's phone

" hi my love" maya said " is she okay" carina asked " oh what happened to hi, how are you" maya said sarcastically " I'm sorry bambina how are you" carina asked " I'm mad" maya said with a jokingly mad face " why" carina asked " because everyone at the station thinks I stole someone's kid" maya said " well I would agree with them if I wasn't her mother" carina said nonchalantly " carina" maya said with a very shocked face " hi carina" the whole station yelled " hi guys I miss you all so much if I have time I'll come by later" Carina said " I'm still mad that you agreed with them" Maya said " bambina you never liked kids it's normal that people will think that you stole someone's kid when you enter work with a baby in your arms" carina said trying not to laugh " I'm mad at you all and carina you will sleep on the couch" maya said joking " I'll make it up to you later I got to go" carina said and hung up the phone.

After the call they had to work because they were called but maya didn't have to go she was playing with Bruna in her office.

And that's how the day went they had calls and maya was occasionally filling paper work and playing with her beautiful daughter.

Thank you so much to @samarpit_nasa for the idea and I hope you all liked it.

Please don't forget to vote it means a lot and it shows me that you guys liked it.

If you have any ideas yourself feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll try my best to start something with it.

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