― 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞.

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taking a sip of her drink, the girl glared at the man sat before. she didn't think her stupid decision would bring her to this stupid situation, and yet here she was. she wished that she hadn't been so impulsive in her decision and did her research before she had decided to buy the business. 

"so," yeosang began, leaning forward with his forearms against the table. "just for clarification, you," he used both his index fingers to point at the girl. "want my business?" he finished, this time switching to his thumbs to point at himself. maira could only nod her head, avoiding his gaze as she played with the straw of her drink. 

the smug look on yeosang's face as he sat back in his seat with his arms crossed made her sick as she glared at the boy, knowing that the cards were in his hands. this was the first time that he had ever been able to get to her. of course he had known the whole time that maira had been visiting star cafe regularly since jongho had once casually mentioned it to him, however, the idea of her buying it off had never once crossed his mind.

for yeosang, star cafe wasn't anything special to him. there was no profit made from it and they never had a single customer. he was ready to sell it for cheap a long time ago, but that was before maira became a regular customer. the two baristas, despite being college students, had a talent for making drinks and yeosang believed that if he did a better job at advertising that, his cafe would easily be thriving. however, he had no interest in building it up since he made enough money from his other businesses.

"how much?" the boy's ears perked up at the sound of maira's voice. he was expecting more of a fight from the girl since that was all their exchanges consisted of, but he was quick to realise that the girl just wanted to get it over and done with. however, for yeosang, he wanted to relish this moment for as long as he could. 

"what's the rush?" he questioned, raising a questioning eyebrow. "first, i want to read through that." he motioned to the brown envelope that had been sitting next to maira's drink since the two of them sat down. the girl glanced down at it, a sigh escaping her lips as she was reminded of the full contract she had had hongjoong prepare for today, knowing that yeosang would salvage every second of reading it. 

placing her hand over it, the girl slid it over towards him. "there isn't much to read." she shrugged, trying her best to remain nonchalant, although it was too late for that. "there's a proposed amount and a request for your barista's contracts to be transferred over to me." she explained, finally lifting her gaze to meet his. not once did yeosang look away, he wanted to remember this moment for as long as he could since he rarely had this effect on the girl.

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