― 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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"where is he?" maira mumbled to herself, shaking her leg up and down as she sat at a table with yeosang next to her. the boy had managed to bring her out of the kitchen after hiding out for a while, waiting for her to be ready to face the people again. although, she wasn't ready at all and instead yeosang's mother had found them instead and forced them back to the party. 

"who? hongjoong?" he questioned, following her gaze as he also looked for the familiar boy. maira peered over at yeosang who was busily scanning the crowd, wondering why he was going out of his way to help her out. this whole night, it surprised her how bearable he had been.

"should we begin the exchange?" mr kang cut their search short, approaching yeosang with his request. the boy glanced over at maira, seeming to hesitate in answering his father before nodding his head in agreement. the girl watched in curiosity as his father began gathering everyone's attention, the room quickly becoming silent. 

maira was about to question what was going on when yeosang suddenly leant down to whisper in her ear. "if it helps in anyway, you can hold my hand." he suddenly said, confusing the girl as she looked up at him. however, her confusion was quickly answered when his father called the pair over. maira reluctantly stood up, following yeosang's lead as they made their way to the front of the room. she noticed that people in the crowd had their phones out, curiously filming what was happening as if they knew the pair personally.

it was suffocating.

"the rings." mr kang motioned to the stand that had a beautifully made resin ring tray with pressed roses.  both their names were engraved into the tray and their rings sat on top in their boxes. maira couldn't help the smile that graced her lips at the sight of the expensive wedding ring, it was probably the only real smile she had shown that night.

"ready?" she was snapped out of her thoughts, being brought to reality as she tore her gaze away from the rings and to mrs kang who stared at the pair excitedly. the both of them nodded their head with awkward smiles, standing before the ring table. 

avoiding looking at the crowd, maira instead decided to look up at yeosang. she wondered if he felt as nervous as she did, or if he didn't care about what was about to happen to the both of them. although she was completely against the idea of marrying him, moments like this couldn't help but make her heart flutter. she wondered how different it would be when she was with a man she would really be marrying.

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