― 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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"maira?" the girl was gently shaken awake, but she wouldn't budge as a groan escaped the back of her throat, swatting away the hand that was busy trying to wake her up. "you have a schedule today." she finally registered hongjoong's voice, a sigh escaping her lips as she placed a hand over her face that was squished against her pillow.

"cancel it." she instructed, knowing that she had no energy to step foot outside of her bedroom. after the atrocious meeting with the kang's, maira made hongjoong take her to a bar before heading home and the girl drank her heart out, to the point that she passed out and had to have hongjoong carry her back home. 

"as much as i'd love to, you're meeting with yeosang later today for lunch and it's already ten a.m." he informed causing the girl to shoot up, as memories of yesterday flooded back. however, the quick movement wasn't in her favour as she felt the bottom of her stomach making its way back up. pushing hongjoong out of the way, she rushed into the bathroom to release everything into the toilet bowl. "i'll get one of the chef's to make you some hangover soup, i'll cancel all your other meetings though." 

maira could only weakly send him a thumbs up, wiping at her mouth before another round of vomit surprisingly made its way out of her body. hongjoong visibly cringed at the sound, hurrying out of the room before he started feeling sick himself. 

the girl breathed in deeply, reaching up to flush away last night's memories before pushing herself back against the bathroom wall, trying to regain her composure. pressing a hand against her forehead, she could feel herself burning up, making her wonder if it was just the after effects from throwing everything back up and emptying out her body or if it was something else. brushing it off, she carefully picked herself up off the floor and walked over to the sink, rinsing out her mouth first before brushing her teeth to get rid of the after taste mixing in with her morning breath.

exiting the bathroom after freshening herself up, maira walked over to her closet to layer up, suddenly feeling a chill run up her spine. she threw on a turtle neck before doubling it up with an oversized hoodie, paired with a pair of grey sweats and of course her fuzzy socks. she grabbed her phone before making her way downstairs, her hands in her pockets as she could feel the cold from the floor tiles shoot through her socks and up her body. 

"maira," she was surprised to see jungkook home for once, the boy rarely here since he practically lived in his office. "you look like crap." he commented. there was a warm cup of coffee in his hand as he sat at the breakfast bar, reading the news on his tablet. the girl frowned, walking over to him before taking a seat on the stool next to his.

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